[Cinci-nfb] Facebook page is now live

Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting info at onhconsulting.com
Tue Nov 3 01:52:12 UTC 2015

Deborah. I’ve been checking on the existing Facebook pages that some of the state chapters and divisions are doing.


Most that I’ve found are state chapters such as California and Florida. Most are categorized as either non-profit organization or community organizations. The pages of the state chapters typically are more geared toward sharing events such as chapter meetings, workshops, news of interest to the blind community, etc. These are different than groups that are generally organized for private discussions, and, as Marianne said, are typically closed to the public.


When someone posts on a page’s wall or timeline, it can either be a public post or moderated by an admin. There are numerous ways to moderate how posts to pages are handled, and nothing is set in stone.


If we want to talk precedent, we might consider contacting the NFB of Greater Louisville directly and get some clarity on how their page evolved and the dynamics of who is allowed to post, etc. I do think we need to meet on this next week and am available Nov. 10 at 7:00 PM to have a conference on this. Monday Nov. 9 is also an option—same time.




From: Deborah Kendrick [mailto:dkkendrick at earthlink.net] 
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 2:58 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List'; 'Jessie McDaniel'
Cc: 'Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting'
Subject: RE: [Cinci-nfb] Facebook page is now live


Jessie, Chris, and others, 

We need a bit of background and objectivity here.  

First, the Facebook page is the project of the membership committee.

Chris and his committee have talked about it for some time, and Chris, like a real leader, just stepped up to the plate and got it done.  

Of course, we want it to be as effective as possible, but no one bothered to do it until Chris did, so this is not an emergent situation. 

There is no race.

Better to take time, think it through, have the entire committee involved, and make additions and changes slowly and carefully than to rush and get something up in cyberspace that does not represent us with our proverbial best face forward.  

up e

It is wonderful that those with some sight are helping Chris because, of course, the visual appeal of such an undertaking is very important.  

On the other hand, blind people are much more in tune with words than with pictures, and we need to keep that thought front and center.  

I don’t do much with Facebook myself, but following the discussion of group posts versus admin posts, I think this is something we need to seriously examine before jumping.  

What are other NFB chapters and divisions and affiliates doing?

A page on which anyone could come along and post whatever they please does not sound to me like the way we want to go.

I am just trying to be the voice of caution here, so please don’t let me stifle anyone’s enthusiasm!



From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 2:08 PM
To: 'Jessie McDaniel'
Cc: Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting; NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] Facebook page is now live


Jessie. Next Monday at 7:00 is awesome. I will post a notice to the group concerning the conference information. I’d like to continue with the Website development and just make changes as needed, but I can also hold off on doing anything until we meet. 


Thanks for the feedback.




From: Jessie McDaniel [mailto:jessiemc12 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 9:55 AM
To: Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] Facebook page is now live


Only tomorrow Tuesday works for me this week. unless we shoot for next Monday at 7 that works too


From: "Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting" <info at onhconsulting.com>
To: 'Jessie McDaniel' <jessiemc12 at yahoo.com> 
Sent: Sunday, November 1, 2015 10:00 PM
Subject: RE: [Cinci-nfb] Facebook page is now live


No. You are not confusing me. Yes, I do think we need to have a phone conference either this week or early next to discuss this. I could do Tuesday, Thursday before 8 P.M. or possibly Friday the 6th. If we decide to change the structure of our Facebook presence from a page to a group, I’ll need to delete the current page and recreate the page as an open group. As I said earlier, our Facebook page is a work in progress, so we can always reorganize and start fresh if one model isn’t working.


Thanks for your feedback.





From: Jessie McDaniel [mailto:jessiemc12 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2015 9:04 PM
To: Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] Facebook page is now live


it's ok that the page was created but how do we want the page to function?


for example the way it is setup now the only person that can post anything to the center of the wall is the Admin which is you. I personally don;t like it that way.


I would like it to function like a regular FB page  where anyone can post and shared to the center of the page instead of the way it is set up now.


i tested it out and what happens is it gets sent to the left side which people would have to dig to see what was posted.  i don't find this very user friendly


with that said if it is to function as a FB page then it needs to be changed to a group not an organization or non -profit.


I have viewed several other pages and it appears there is no standard way others are doing this.  however, they were either set as non-profit or a group


hope i did not confuse you. it's easier to say and show than it is to write it.


I agree that this needs to be discussed and my opinion,   to have a conference call because it would take to much time of a regular meeting in person.  I would like to be part of this conference call..  


are you the one who sets up the conference call? Can this be setup soon?  which ever way we decide to go we need to get the page functional as soon as possible.






From: "Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting" <info at onhconsulting.com>
To: 'Jessie McDaniel' <jessiemc12 at yahoo.com>; 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List' <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org> 
Sent: Sunday, November 1, 2015 6:25 PM
Subject: RE: [Cinci-nfb] Facebook page is now live


Sheri. I agree but the Facebook page is a work in progress. This said, I think we need to meet to discuss making the necessary additions, such as additional information about the organization, mission, awards, etc.


Very best,





From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Jessie McDaniel via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2015 5:47 PM
To: NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List
Cc: Jessie McDaniel
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] Facebook page is now live


my two cents is that is should have been created as a Non-profit Organization not a  Community Organization.




From: Sheri Albers via Cinci-nfb <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org>
To: 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List' <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org> 
Cc: Sheri Albers <salbers1 at twc.com> 
Sent: Sunday, November 1, 2015 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] Facebook page is now live


Hello All,

Before any else sends invites to this page, I feel we need to make the necessary improvements to it. 

Thank you Chris for taking this step, but I don’t think it was ready for the public yet.




From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2015 2:04 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List'
Cc: Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] Facebook page is now live


No Problem.


We still don’t have a cover photo or many of the 

Basics. I propose we either take a few minutes to discuss this at our next Chapter meeting or—more ideally—by email prior the meeting. I need the Chapter’s mission and any awards we’ve won (Will include the Gavel Award from State). Our Chapter meeting times and locations can always be updated through posts as well as other important events and topics of interest to the Blind Community locally.


I’ve already sent a list of invites to like the page last night including a few more Autism oriented folks from my friend lists with ties to the general special needs community here locally. With some attention and effort, I think we can make this page a wonderful recruitment tool.


Very best,



From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Rachel Kuntz via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2015 9:52 AM
To: NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List
Cc: Rachel Kuntz
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] Facebook page is now live


Thanks Chris! 


Rachel Kuntz

On Oct 30, 2015, at 10:01 PM, Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting via Cinci-nfb <cinci-nfb at nfbnet.org> wrote:

Hello all. Well, the shell of the Facebook page for the Chapter is now live. The link is: https://www.facebook.com/National-Federation-of-the-Blind-of-Cincinnati-435155406692348/. Deborah and all: I think we need to meet briefly to discuss adding the long description to our profile, including our mission and adding a cover photo to the page. I propose we build this in the next couple of weeks prior to our Chapter meeting and Convention.


Very Best,



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