[Cinci-nfb] voting experience today

Lisa Hall lhall007 at cinci.rr.com
Wed Nov 4 00:59:33 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

I voted this evening after work. Everything went fine until I got to 
cast the ballot. When I voted for Issue 3, it read issue 3 twice before 
my selection.
We had problem with the printer and I was sort of nervous. I press 
enter, cast page and everything else and it froze up for some reason.
The poll worker at the polling place where I was had to call for 
technical assistance with their voting machine. It took them a while to 
resolve a problem.
They were going to have a technician come out to check the problem. 
They finally unplug the pprinter and plugged it back in and I think it 
resolved the problem. I was afraid that I was gonna have to vote all 
over again.
Now the voting I hope is complete.
By the time I got ready to go, I arranged Uber to pick me up to get me 
home. My battery was low on my phone and I wasn't sure if I was going 
to make it.
I finally got home when my phone was at 10% low battery.
I was relieved.
I am now trying to catch up on today's emails.


Lisa Hall

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