[Cinci-nfb] Get those white canes ready

Deborah Kendrick dkkendrick at earthlink.net
Fri Oct 16 14:47:13 UTC 2015

Greetings Fellow Federationists!

I've been working on the proclamation that the mayor will present at City
Hall for us next Thursday, and thought it would be useful to make sure all
of you see the press release that I prepared and that has been circulating
on our behalf.  

See the release pasted below for all the relevant details.
Let's make this the biggest turnout yet!

October 22, 2015

Contact: Deborah Kendrick 513.673.4474 dkkendrick at earthlink.net
Or: Kathy Gottschlich 513.221.8558 Kathy.Gottschlich at cincyblind.org 


You see us on the streets, carrying long white canes, coming and going where
any person with sight might come or go.  You see us in offices and shopping
malls, amusement parks and hospitals, on college campuses and soccer fields.
You see the white canes we carry and dog guides at our sides and maybe you
wonder "How does that work?"
The white cane is the simplest, most powerful tool employed by blind people
everywhere.  With it, a person with no sight or limited sight can walk
confidently anywhere a person with benefit of sight might go.  It is not
magic.  It is not a symbol of second sight or mystical powers. With a white
cane and the proper training to use it, a blind person can "see" his or her
immediate surroundings, make mental maps through exploration, travel safely,
and have an equal shot at claiming the American dream.

In 1963, it was not so common to see a blind person walking alone. That
year, the National Federation of the Blind, an organization of blind men and
women throughout America, passed a resolution calling upon the governors of
all fifty states to proclaim October 15 as White Cane Safety Day.  
As a result, President Lyndon B. Johnson, on October 6, 1964, signed into
law the joint resolution of Congress directing the president to proclaim
October 15 every year as White Cane Safety Day in America.  
In 1966, Dr. Jacobus tenBroek, a renowned constitutional lawyer and founder
of the National Federation of the Blind, drafted the first White Cane law.
That law came to be known as the Civil Rights bill of the blind and some
form of it is now in effect in every one of the fifty states.  
Today, There are more cars and more multi-tasking drivers. There are also
more blind people and more white canes - and that means a greater need for
awareness of blind pedestrians, and their right to travel independently and
Join us at City Hall October 22 when we will celebrate together the equality
of blind Cincinnatians.  
Arrive at City Hall by 11:00 a.m. October 22 to walk with us or just meet us
at Fountain Square from 11:30 to 1:00 for refreshments and conversation. 
The National Federation of the Blind, Cincinnati Association for the Blind
and Visually Impaired, and Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually
Impaired will be on hand to tell you more about blindness and the white
cane.  Canes and blindfolds will be available if you want to test drive the
white cane experience for yourself.  
The white cane is not magic.  It is the tool that launches freedom and
equality for every blind person.  Ask us your questions (because we love
talking about our white canes) and join us October 22.

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