[Cinci-nfb] Summary of Membership Committee Meeting October 26, 2015

Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting info at onhconsulting.com
Tue Oct 27 16:54:15 UTC 2015

Walter. Will be celebrating later this evening.






From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Walter
Mitchell via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 12:43 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List'
Cc: Walter Mitchell
Subject: Re: [Cinci-nfb] Summary of Membership Committee Meeting October 26,


Happy Birthday Chris!


I thought that you would be celebrating this day, but you are hard at work
building the Federation. Great job!


Take some time to enjoy your day.



Much Love,


From: Cinci-nfb [mailto:cinci-nfb-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting via Cinci-nfb
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2015 12:08 PM
To: NFB of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter List
Cc: Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting
Subject: [Cinci-nfb] Summary of Membership Committee Meeting October 26,


Hello all.


Here is the summary of our last Membership Committee meeting, which we held
by phone conference on October 26 2015 at 7:00 P.M.


In attendance were: Rachel Kuntz, Lilly Pennington, Dale Barta, Lisa Hall,
Tammy Smith, Walter Mitchell and Christopher Sabine. Deborah Kendrick also
dialed in later in the meeting and participated.


The main topic of discussion was our chapter's social media plan originally
proposed in March 2015. At that time, Christopher agree that he will set up
the page on Facebook. The page will include information on the Cincinnati
Chapter, information about current meeting date and location and links to
other resources. Lilly Pennington-who attended the March meeting-agreed to
set up a blog on WordPress based on the site of the Greater Louisville
Chapter (http://www.nfbgl.org). We ultimately tabled the plan as creating a
Facebook page requires a physical address or P.O. Box. Since we currently
have a P.O. Box, the purpose of this meeting was to follow up from the March
meeting and establish our social media presence.


It was agreed that Christopher would create the Facebook page and share the
link to it by Friday October 30. Lilly will create the blog on WordPress
based on the same model as the NFB of Greater Louisville's site and have
this ready by our next chapter meeting, currently scheduled for November 14.
Rachel reported that she would set up a LinkedIn profile and a twitter feed
for the Chapter.


WE also discussed follow up from the "Movie Night" event on October 9 at
Clovernook. Turnout for this event was minimal-only five staff from the
Clovernook Workshop attended. We discussed Lisa making an announcement about
upcoming meetings on Radio Reading Service; she agreed to do this. Deborah
agreed that Walter would sign up for PTP and record a message concerning the
Chapter on that service. Walter agreed to call CABVI to sign up and ask
Janet Papin, Coordinator of PTP, to record the message as a community


Holding "brown bag" information sessions at Clovernook, CABVI and possibly
other locations on topics of interest was also discussed. 


Very Best,





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