[Cinci-nfb] NFB of Ohio Membership Committee Meeting

Rachel Kuntz rachelrkuntz at gmail.com
Sun Feb 28 17:11:39 UTC 2016

What will you do with your extra day?


If you are looking for a meaningful way to spend your leap day, then I have
the conference call that is just right for you. Mark your calendar for
Monday, February 29th at 7:00 pm for our first NFB of Ohio Membership
Committee conference call of the year. All are welcome to attend.


To join the call dial (605) 562-3140 and enter access code 299457#


Meeting Agenda:

5 min: Opening remarks from Rachel Kuntz and Richard Payne

5-10 min: Featured NFBO member: Paul Dressell will tell us what it means to
him to be a member of our affiliate

10-15 min: Featured NFB Board Member: Ever Lee Hairston will talk about
building the federation

30 min: Open mic: call attendees will be given time to share their positive
ideas and suggestions for increasing membership


Please share this meeting notice with members who are not connected to
email. I truly look forward to learning and connecting with you on this


Warm Regards,


Rachel Kuntz

Membership Committee Co-Chair

Board Member

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

937 245-0547 cell

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