[Cinci-nfb] update on counselor training at UC

Elif Emir Öksüz filerime at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 16:07:12 UTC 2016

Hello Cinci Family,
I was asking for volunteers for NFB & UC connected training event,
probably you remember.
I want to give you an update about it.

On March 11st. 2016 University of Cincinnati organized a training
sponsored by Chi Sigma Iota- Upsilon Chi Chi for counselors and
counselor educators. NFB Cincinnati representatives were invited for a
panel discussion. The presentation and experiential activity was
followed by the panel. This event had 14 attendee’s and three
panelists; Sheree Albers, Rachel Kuntz and Maryann Denning.

Outline of the Training
1 Diversity and intersecting identities of PWD
2 Models of Disability
3 Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Attitudes
A. Errors of Omission & Commission
B. Ableism	
C. Microaggressions
4 Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Knowledge
5 Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Skills and Tips
A. Counseling and Disability related
B. Counseling and Visual Disability Related
C. Visual Disability Related
6 Panel Discussion with NFB representatives

All event took 2 hours. It was a huge success. All of the feedback
from the participants are very very nice and empowering.
As NFB and as the blind community, we reached counselors and counselor
educators. This was very nice advocacy event. Furthermore, I am
working on my poster presentation on this training. A part of the
training content and a summary of the feedback will be presented in
American Counselor Association annual conference on April 1st.
Now at least in Cincinnati. Some counselors see NFB as a local
resource if needed.
I would like to present my sincere thankfulness and gratitude’s to my
wonderful panelists Maryann, Rachel and Sherrie.
You were awesome. Thank you for your participation.


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