[Cinci-nfb] Bus to Strongsville

Sheri Albers sheri.albers87 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 19:02:49 UTC 2018

Hello Cincinnati Chapter Members,
Here is a list of people who have reserved a seat on the bus to
Strongsville. If your name is not on this list, and you want to go, please
contact me immediately.
Paul Dressell
Bernie Dressell
Paul Jordon
Deanna Lewis
Diane Carmony
Joy Thomas
Christopher Sabine
Marianne Denning
Marianne Denning guest
Gloria Robinson
Gloria Robinson niece
Chris Wyndham

Remember your reservation is not secured until your check for $50 has been
sent to Sherry Ruth 6922 Murray Ridge Road Elyria, OH 44035. Plese write
the word "Bus" in the memo. All checks must be received by September 20,
2018. Now, if you are going up on Thursday, like me, the cost is still $50
for the one-way trip.
The affiliate has worked hard setting up this transportation to make it as
easy as possible for all of us to get to this year's Team Convention! Our
chapter wants to do the same by supplementing the cost of this trip. The
Board will be discussing a stipend of $20 to $25 per member. We will let
you know at our next meeting.

Have a great day!
Sheri Albers, President
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter
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