[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for July 2019

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Sun Aug 11 01:56:24 UTC 2019

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

Meeting Minutes for July 2019


1.	The July 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Sheri Albers at
approximately 1:30 P.M. on Saturday July 27 2019 in Room 3A of the
Cincinnati and Hamilton County Main Branch Library, 800 Vine Street,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202. In attendance were: President Sheri Albers,
Christopher Sabine, Gloria Robinson, Emily Pennington, Tapeka Turner,
Anthony King and Angela Maddox. The meeting began with a recitation of the
NFB pledge led by President Sheri Albers, followed by a recitation of the
one-minute speech.


2.	Gloria Robinson moved to approve the June Chapter minutes as
emailed; Emily Pennington seconded, and the motion passed.


3.	Emily Pennington presented this month’s Treasurer’s report. Gloria
Robinson moved to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Tapeka Turner
seconded, and the motion passed after discussion.


4.	After a brief discussion, Gloria moved to allocate $50 to the Ohio
Affiliate in memory of Paul Dressell. Christopher Sabine seconded, and the
motion passed.


5.	Christopher Sabine gave a report from the Membership Committee.
Three items were discussed as part of his report:


a.	Christopher expressed that most of the new members who joined the
Chapter in 2019 have had their contact information entered into the new
National Membership Database per the new member onboarding process.
According to the June 2019 Presidential release and other information
disseminated by National Office, new members should be receiving an email
welcoming them to the Federation along with relevant emails from leaders
within the national movement. However, none of the new members present at
today’s meeting reported receiving such emails as of today’s meeting.


b.	Christopher also indicated that his interview in the “being
Pro-Life” podcast produced by the Archdiocese of Greater Cincinnati on the
experiences of Blind Parishioners with access to Mass and other activities
of the Catholic Church is set to be released on August 1. The interview
includes a discussion of barriers to participation in the Church which
Christopher has faced as a Blind parishioner and a discussion of the history
of the National Federation of the Blind, information about the national
organization and local chapter, and time and location of Chapter meetings.
The purpose of this interview is to inform the Podcast’s primarily Catholic
audience concerning the needs for greater access to the Church for Blind
parishioners, the resources available to the Blind of the Archdiocese of
Cincinnati and the National Federation of the Blind. Christopher indicated
that he will post a link to the podcast on the Cinci-Talk and Ohio-Talk
Listservs when it becomes available.


c.	Christopher reported that the Membership Committee met by telephone
conference on Tuesday July 16 at 7:00 P.M. to begin the planning process for
the Chapter’s Meet the Blind event at the Urban Artifact Brewery on October
12. Christopher Sabine, Sheri Albers, Marianne Denning, Gloria Robinson,
Deanna Lewis, Diane Gudaitis and Emily and Lillie Pennington attended this
initial meeting. Christopher expressed that the contract is signed and all
fees have been paid to secure the venue for this event, so the purpose of
this meeting was to devise a list of tasks and responsibilities for
committee members. Marianne and Sheri agreed to reach out to the Cincinnati
Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the local Humanware
representative, respectively, to invite them to exhibit. Diane Gudaitis
expressed that she can contact a Columbus-based puppy raising club leader
representing Guiding Eyes for the Blind who has also expressed interest in
staffing an exhibit table with information about the agency and the process
of raising and training guide dogs. Sheri and Brooke Albers will be sending
post cards to the Cleveland Regional Library of the National Library Service
for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) for distribution to eligible
recipients of NLS Braille and Talking book format materials. Representatives
from WKRC Local 12 and WXIX Fox 19 have also been contacted. Gloria has
offered to take charge of catering, refreshments and setup. Christopher
concluded his report by reporting that the next scheduled Membership
Committee meeting will take place on Tuesday July 30 2019 by telephone
conference. After some additional discussion, it was agreed that the working
title for this event will be “The Cincinnati Vision Fair.”


6.	Gloria Robinson gave a brief report from the Fundraising Committee.
She expressed that the Italian Dinner will not take place as scheduled due
to a death in her family. This event had been tentatively scheduled for
August 17 2019 at the Procter Center at the Clovernook Center for the
Visually Impaired. No alternate date has been finalized for this event, but
Gloria promised to reach out to Chapter members when one is set. Gloria
indicated that she intends to continue the Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser at
the Ohio State Convention, which is currently scheduled for October 31 to
November 3 at the Worthington Doubletree Hotel. She will offer samples of
available flavors to customers and have orders shipped directly. She
expressed that others in the community have spoken to her interested in
donating items for other fundraising activities such as Holiday fundraisers.
Sheri expressed that the puzzle books written and produced by Kim McEachirn
are still available to sell, as the Ohio Exhibit table at National
Convention was cancelled by Affiliate President Richard Payne due to the
imposition of a 5% Nevada sales tax on items sold. Gloria also agreed to
contact Kim McEachirn regarding any remaining “Meet the Blind” shirts and
hoodies available for sale.


7.	There was no Affiliate Legislative Committee Report this month due
to National Convention and the fact that the Ohio Legislature is currently
on summer recess.


8.	Sheri Albers gave a report regarding plans for the Ohio State
Convention. She indicated that she has volunteered the Cincinnati Chapter to
run the Hospitality Room at Convention, which is scheduled for Friday
November 1 from 5:30 P.M. to just prior to the annual play. She expressed
that she will be soliciting food from local restaurants in the Columbus area
for the hospitality room with chapter members responsible for set up,
meeting and greeting, serving and clean up. 


9.	Sheri Albers and Emily Pennington shared their experience attending
the 2019 National Convention in Las Vegas.


10.	Tapeka Turner was formally inducted as a member of the National
Federation of the Blind by a vote of the Chapter at today’s meeting and was
sworn in and presented with a membership medallion by President Sheri


11.	Sheri Albers asked all Chapter members to think of items for this
year’s Gavel Award at State Convention. Part of the annual banquet
ceremonies at the Ohio State Convention, the Gavel awards recognize the
accomplishments and community outreach of individual members of all the
Affiliate’s chapter and divisions within and outside the National Federation
of the Blind.


12.	Christopher Sabine gave a summary of an article from the July 2019
Braille Monitor, “The Buzzsaw, The Plumber’s Skillet, and the Montana City
Hardware Café” by Dan Burke. Sheri indicated that she will post a link to
each monthly issue of the Braille Monitor to the Cinci-Talk Listserv for any
member not currently receiving it.


13.	Sheri Albers announced that Jennifer Kennedy, formerly of the Ohio
Affiliate, has been named the new Executive Director of Blind, Inc—one of
the Federation’s three training and adjustment centers based in Minneapolis,


14.	Gloria Robinson led a brief discussion of incidents of
discrimination that Chapter members have experienced.


15.	The July 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 3:16 P.M. on
Saturday July 27 2019.


16.	The August 2019 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter is scheduled for Saturday August 24 2019 in Room 3A
of the Cincinnati and Hamilton County Public Library, located at 800 Vine
Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.


Respectfully Submitted,


Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter



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