[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati chapter, Meeting Minutes for March 2020

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Wed Apr 15 01:57:02 UTC 2020

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

Meeting Minutes for March 2020



1.	The March 2020 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at
approximately 1:30 P.M. on Saturday March 28 2020. Due to the current
Covid-19 public health emergency, this meeting was held by telephone
conference. Members of the Cincinnati Chapter in attendance were: President
Gloria Robinson, Christopher Sabine, Emily Pennington, Marianne Denning,
Dave Perry, Walter Mitchell, Cassandra Jones, Chris Windham, and Candice
Armstrong. Richard Payne, President of the National Federation of the Blind
of Ohio, Suzanne Turner, Vice President of the National Federation of the
Blind of Ohio and President of the Cleveland Chapter, Dr. Carolyn Peters,
Chair of the Membership Committee of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio and President of the Miami Valley Chapter, and Gary Warren, Vice
President of the National Federation of the Blind of Delaware, also attended
today's meeting. Robert Harris, long-time community activist for people with
disabilities, attended today's meeting as a guest of the Chapter.


2.	Gloria Robinson and Gary Warren began today's meeting with a report
from the Fundraising Committee. Gloria expressed that the Chapter bake sale
previously scheduled for earlier in March at the Traders World Flea Market
has been postponed due to Covid-19. She is waiting to see if the Italian
Dinner Fundraiser can take place sometime in June, and potential locations
are being considered. Gary Warren expressed that the Chapter will need to
determine if the other attractions available at the event-such as the
portrait studio-can be available due to the current health emergency. In
response to a question from Walter Mitchell, Gloria expressed that the
Fundraising Committee has not met due to changes in the leadership of the


3.	Emily Pennington moved to approve the February Chapter meeting
minutes. Dave Perry seconded, and the motion passed.


4.	Emily Pennington gave the March Treasurer's report. Marianne Denning
moved to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Dave Perry seconded,
and the motion passed.


5.	Christopher Sabine gave a brief membership Report. He indicated that
a committee meeting has not yet been scheduled due to concerns surrounding
theCovid-19 Pandemic and the closure of the Chapter's regular meeting
location. Christopher reported that he is reaching out to several people in
the Greater Cincinnati area who have participated in the National Free White
Cane Program. Chapter President Gloria Robinson, Affiliate President Richard
Payne, and Dr. Carolyn Peters requested that a meeting be scheduled.
Christopher agreed to this immediately. Dr. Peters and Richard Payne
emphasized that this is a great time to encourage Blind people to join the
Federation for support and resources to cope with the current pandemic. 
6.	Marianne Denning gave an update from the Legislative Committee. She
expressed that the Columbus Seminar, originally scheduled for April 6-7, has
been postponed due to the current public health emergency. However, efforts
on behalf of our national legislative priorities are continuing. Our current
three legislative priorities, The Access Technology Affordability Act, H.R.
2086 / S. 815, The Accessible Instructional Media in Higher Education (Aim
High) Act, H.R. 5312 / S. 3095, and the Greater Access and Independence
through Nonvisual Technologies (GAIN) Act, H.R. 3929, were discussed.
Information and calls to action on all three bills are still being posted to
the Ohio-Talk listserv. Marianne also reminded Chapter members that notice
has come from the National Office concerning a provision in the current
economic stimulus package that would allow the Secretary of Education, Betsy
DeVos, to allow states to waive certain requirements to provide services to
students under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act for the next
year. Unfortunately, The National Federation of the Blind and other advocacy
groups were unable to prevent this provision from being enacted as part of
the economic stimulus legislation signed by President Donald Trump on Friday
March 27. The provision, initially introduced by Sen. Lamar Alexander
(R-Tennessee), will allow the Secretary of Education to promulgate a
proposal for state departments of education to waive their requirements to
provide certain special education services to students with disabilities.
More information will be shared with members of the Ohio Affiliate when it
becomes available. Marianne and Affiliate Richard Payne emphasized the
necessity of all members of the National Federation of the Blind to advocate
against this legislation and protect the rights of future generations to an
adequate education and allow them to engage in meaningful employment.


7.	Marianne Denning gave an update from the Community Outreach
Committee. She reported on the statewide conference call which took place
Tuesday evening March 24 on ways the Ohio Affiliate can support its members
and the general community in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic. An effort to
reach out to members of the Affiliate who are isolated and living alone was
discussed. This effort is being spearheaded by Cheryl Fields, Chair of the
Community Service Division of the Ohio Affiliate and member of the Cleveland
Chapter. From that call, Marianne emphasized the need for Chapter members to
reach out to those who are isolated or living alone. Chris Windham agreed to
try to locate long time Federationist Marion King, whose phone is currently
disconnected. Chapter members also agreed to reach out to Bernie Dressell,
who is also isolated. Walter Mitchell reminded Chapter members that he and
President Gloria Robinson agreed on the statewide conference call on March
24 to volunteer to support members of the Cincinnati Chapter in need of
social contact or resources in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic.


8.	Chris Windham gave a report from the Transportation Committee. He
expressed that, as of March 29, ACCESS and Metro Services will be free for
the month of April. Marianne emphasized that all Metro passengers must enter
through the back door for the safety of the driver and other passengers.
Robert Harris expressed that as a member of the Board of Directors of the
Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA), the agency that operates
METRO and ACCESS, he is in regular contact with SORTA's administration and
other board members and gave his assurance that the agency is taking all
possible steps to ensure the safety of all Metro and ACCESS riders during
the current health emergency. Robert asked all Chapter members who have not
done so already to vote for Issue 7, which will increase bus service in
Hamilton County to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. He also reported that
ACCESS has already been moved from a contract model to an in-house service
provided by SORTA. Chris Windham concluded his report with a notice that as
of March 30, all Metro roots will operate on a Saturday schedule until
further notice due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. This means that there will be
no express service through the month of April. Rides on ACCESS, SORTA's
paratransit service, are not affected at this time.


9.	Suzanne Turner, Vice President of the Ohio Affiliate, gave a guest
presentation at today's meeting on organization and leadership. She praised
the Cincinnati Chapter as "aware, cohesive, and in tune" and expressed that
she is impressed with the Chapter's attention to the organizational
hierarchy. Suzanne emphasized the importance of members' understanding of
the history of the organization and its mission and values as filtered from
the National organization to state and local leadership. Understanding of
the national hierarchy involves the ability to work independently in support
of the values of the National Organization-to support opportunity, equality,
and security for the nation's Blind. Suzanne encouraged all members who have
questions or need clarification concerning the Federation's mission, values
and organizational structure to reach out to their Chapter President, Vice
President, and members of the Board of Directors. Suzanne concluded her
presentation by reporting that the Senior Committee of the Cleveland Chapter
has organized a daily conference call from 10:00 to 10:30 A.M. for all
members of the Ohio Affiliate to check in. Information concerning the call
was posted to the Ohio-Talk Listserv, and Christopher Sabine agreed to
forward the message concerning the calls to the Cinci-Talk Listserv. This
was done during the Chapter meeting. 


10.	Dr. Carolyn Peters, President of the National Federation of the
Blind of Ohio, Miami Valley Chapter and Chair of the Ohio Affiliate's
Membership Committee, gave a brief statement encouraging current members to
share their personal stories to recruit new members to the organization. 


11.	Robert Harris, long-time Greater Cincinnati disability rights
activist, introduced himself to the membership and promised to join the
National Federation of the Blind.



12.	Suzanne Turner indicated that the Flying Pig Marathon has been
rescheduled for October 9 -11, and tickets to the Piggest Raffle Ever are
only available online, though paper tickets obtained previously can still be
sold. The web site for purchasing tickets is http://www.piggestraffle.com.
Tickets can be purchased until October. The Affiliate Fundraising Committee
plans to meet on Monday to discuss paper ticket sales, and information will
be sent out shortly to discuss when and where to send paper tickets that
have been sold. Tickets are still $5 apiece, with $3 going to the charity of
the buyer's choice. Suzanne reported that it is not clear whether the "BLT"
Station is still on; event organizers will provide further details at a
later date.


13.	President Gloria Robinson reported that the National Federation of
the Blind Annual Convention is still set to take place as planned on July
14-20 in Houston, Texas. The Ohio Affiliate Convention is still on for
November 6-8 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Dayton, Ohio.
14.	Marianne Denning reported that Ohio's BELL Academy is still
scheduled for July 25-31 at the Ohio State School for the Blind in Columbus,
Ohio. Volunteer applications have been posted to the Ohio-Talk Listserv.
Anyone who is interested in an application who does not have access to
Ohio-Talk or needs assistance to complete it should reach out to Marianne
directly. A background check-paid for by the Ohio Affiliate-is required for
all applicants. Bell (Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning) Academy
is a national program designed to build confidence in Blind children through
instruction in Braille and daily living skills training using the
alternative techniques of Blindness. Gloria Robinson encouraged all Chapter
members interested in donating items to the BELL Program to reach out to her
following today's meeting.


15.	President Richard Payne gave a brief presentation concerning the
impact of the current public health crisis on the Blind Community. He
explained that local chapters and the Ohio Affiliate need to address access
to transportation as a statewide priority, as transportation is one of the
most pressing issues facing the Blind nationally. Specific questions
concerning SORTA's service changes were discussed with Chris Windham and
Robert Harris. President Payne also indicated that the national organization
as well as state and local leadership is doing all it can to support the
Blind Community during the Covid-19 Pandemic. He requested all members to
reach out to those in need, especially those who are alone or isolated. He
expressed that the Blind Community will face additional challenges as the
number of Covid-19 cases increases in the coming weeks, including
transportation, voting in the upcoming Ohio primary Election, and access to
medications. He concluded his remarks by asking all Chapter members to reach
out to him directly if they need any support related to the public health
emergency. Suzanne Turner reported that the Affiliate leadership often
schedules calls for new members to educate them on the National Convention,
leadership structure, history, and values of the National Federation of the
blind as an organization, and anyone in leadership who would like to
organize such a call can reach out to Dr. Peters directly. Gloria also
encouraged anyone needing assistance and support in the wake of the Pandemic
to reach out to her, and contact information was provided on the call.


16.	Walter Mitchell announced that the Ohio Diabetes Action Network
(DAN)) will be hosting a series of calls with a nurse practitioner which
will take place on the second Saturday of the month. He also reported that
Kay Jordan, President of the Georgia Diabetes Action Network, passed away
just prior to today's meeting. 


17.	Gloria Robinson, Chris Windham, and Dave Perry discussed their
concerns related to compliance with Gov. Mike DeWine's Stay at Home order of
the National Industries Program at the Cincinnati Association for the Blind
and Visually Impaired. Robert Harris, President Payne, Vice President
Suzanne Turner and Gloria Robinson emphasized that anyone who has concerns
about employers' compliance with the Governor's Stay at Home order and their
safety at work should not hesitate to contact their local department of
health. This can be done anonymously, and Gloria expressed that she has
already reached out to the Cincinnati Health Department with concerns about
the National Industries Program facilities.


18.	Responding to a question from Marianne Denning, President Richard
Payne reported that he will have further information by Tuesday March 31
concerning the process for completing a mail-in ballot accessibly for the
Ohio Primary Election, which is being conducted by mail-in ballot only
because of the Covid-19 Pandemic. 


19.	The March 2020 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, was adjourned at approximately 3:34 P.M. on
Saturday March 28 2020.


Respectfully Submitted,


Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter


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