[Cinci-NFB] FW: [Ohio-Talk] Save The Date for an opportunity to learn from NFB National Leaders on "Taking the Ohio Affiliate to a higher level of performance"!

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Thu Dec 3 06:21:09 UTC 2020

-----Original Message-----
From: Ohio-Talk <ohio-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Suzanne Turner
via Ohio-Talk
Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 9:37 PM
To: smturner.234 at gmail.com
Cc: Suzanne Turner <smturner.234 at gmail.com>
Subject: [Ohio-Talk] Save The Date for an opportunity to learn from NFB
National Leaders on "Taking the Ohio Affiliate to a higher level of

National federation of the Blind of Ohio (NFBO)




Leadership and Networking Training


Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 6:30 PM EDT.


The purpose of this opportunity is to offer members training on the value of
leadership, networking and performing at a higher level; within and outside
of the National Federation of the Blind that will foster opportunity, create
innovation and  get results. The year of 2020 has proven that organizations
must be flexible, adaptable  and have a clear plan in order to stay
relevant. Therefore, we must improve our skills, as well as our overall
performance in the Ohio Affiliate. Thus, personal success is linked to
organizational success. This is why we hope such an endeavor will be
encouraging to those who want to grow, excel and have an open line of
communication to NFB professionals who will present on various topics that
are indicated in the below agenda.




6:30 PM - Welcome

Richard Payne, Affiliate President; NFB of Ohio   


6:35 PM - Taking the Ohio Affiliate to a higher level of performance.

Suzanne Turner, Affiliate Vice President; NFB of Ohio 


6:40 PM - Developing A Leadership Plan and Building Accountability

Everette Bacon, Affiliate President; NFB of Utah and Member of the National
Board of Directors



7:00 PM - Networking, Public Speaking, Advocacy and Emotional Intelligence

Joe Ruffalo, President Emeritus; NFB of New Jersey and Member of the
National Board of Directors 


7:20 PM - The Importance of Effective Writing and Email protocols

Gary Wunder, Editor; NFB Brail Monitor and Former Member of the National
Board of Directors 


7:40 PM - Organizational Culture and The Value of a High Performing

Ryan Strunk, Affiliate President; NFB of Minnesota 


8:00 PM - Additional Q/A


8:15 PM - Final Remarks


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Meeting ID: 408 185 0851

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