[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for April 2020

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Sat May 9 00:07:25 UTC 2020

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

Meeting Minutes for April 2020



1.	The April 2020 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at
approximately 1:30 P.M. on Saturday April 25 2020. Due to the current stay
at home orders issued in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic, this meeting was
held by teleconference. Cincinnati Chapter members in attendance were:
Gloria Robinson, Walter Mitchell, Emily Pennington, Christopher Sabine, Joy
Thomas, Taslim Dibba, Dave Perry, Karren Innis, Akeelah Cade, Deanna Lewis,
Diane Carmony, Dale Barta, Angela Maddox, and Chris Windham. Richard Payne
and Suzanne Turner, President and Vice President of the National Federation
of the Blind of Ohio, William Turner, President of the National Federation
of the Blind of Ohio, Cleveland Chapter, and Regina Mason, Member, National
Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cleveland Chapter, also attended today's
meeting. Allison Malloy, Amy Barker, and Robert Harris attended today's
meeting as guests of the Chapter.


2.	Dale Barta moved to approve the March Chapter minutes as emailed.
Deanna Lewis seconded, and the motion passed.


3.	Emily Pennington gave this month's Treasurer's Report. Dale Barta
moved to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented. Walter Mitchel
seconded, and the motion passed.


4.	Gloria Robinson reported that the Fundraising Committee has been
placed on hiatus due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, but planning for fundraising
events is still in the works.


5.	Chris Windham gave a report from the Transportation Committee. As of
Monday April 20, the southwest Ohio Regional Transportation Authority
(SORTA) is requiring all Metro and ACCESS riders to wear masks, and regular
fares have resumed for Metro and ACCESS riders. All drivers will be wearing
masks. Passengers with disabilities will be able to board Metro buses from
the front as usual, but seating will be spread out to accommodate social
distancing requirements.  Chris indicated that his report is based on second
hand information, as he has not ridden on public transportation since the
start of the current pandemic. President Gloria Robinson asked that Chris
contact Lisa Aulick, SORTA's Director of ADA and Accessible Services, to
request that she give a guest presentation at a future Chapter meeting.
Robert Harris, long-time Cincinnati area disability rights advocate and
member of SORTA's Board of Directors, reported that SORTA continues to run
on a Saturday schedule as of today's meeting. Robert indicated when he rode
on Metro recently, he observed a shield separating passengers from the
driver with signage directing passengers not to move beyond the shield.
Robert also reported that to his knowledge, all passengers-with the
exception of wheelchair users-are being asked to board from the rear of the
bus. Robert reported that the Office of Gov. Mike DeWine has expressed
interest in the concerns of those who depend on public transportation in the
wake of the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency and expressed that the
Governor's daily conference with the state's mayors is currently being
broadcast on the Ohio Channel, which is Channel 16 on City Cable. Ohio
President Richard Payne concluded the Transportation Committee report with a
note about the availability of a $25 credit from LYFT available for all
members of the National Federation of the Blind for essential travel. Those
who need the credit must contact President Payne to request a code for use
on the Lyft App and explain why the credit is needed.

6.	There was no Legislative Committee Report, as Marianne Denning,
Chair of the Committee, was absent from today's meeting. 


7.	Christopher Sabine gave a brief Membership Committee Report. He
reported that the Committee has decided at its last meeting on April 6 2020
to go on hiatus until the State of Ohio reopens the economy. However,
membership recruitment activities are ongoing. Gloria Robinson encouraged
all members to actively recruit new members to the Cincinnati Chapter.


8.	Gloria Robinson reported that community outreach activities are


9.	Allison Malloy and Amy Barker gave a guest presentation on services
available from the Ohio Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired (BSVI),
which is part of Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. BSVI provides
services designed to support Ohio residence with a primary or secondary
disability of blindness or visual impairment to obtain, maintain, or advance
in employment. The bulk of Allison's presentation revolved around the
vocational rehabilitation process-from application and intake to
post-employment follow-along services. Anyone interested in receiving
services from BSVI should call Wendy Ray, Intake Coordinator at the
Cincinnati BSVI Field Office at (513) 768-6705. Amy Barker discussed the
Independent Living Program, which provides services to consumers aged 55
years and older with visual acuity of 20/70 or less to enable them to remain
in their own homes. After Allison and Amy took questions from several
Chapter members, President Richard Payne asked Allison about a new policy
allowing new consumers who are unable to sign forms by hand or
electronically to give verbal consent for services in the wake of Covid-19.
Allison indicated that this policy is in effect at the Cincinnati BSVI and
emphasized that the agency has a great degree of flexibility in serving the
needs of its consumers-particularly in the current public health emergency.
At the conclusion of Allison and Amy's guest presentation, Allison and Amy
made a commitment that BSVI representatives will attend this year's Meet the
Blind Event set for October 13 2020 at Fountain Square.


10.	Suzanne Turner reminded Chapter members about the "Piggest Raffle
Ever" event, which is currently set to coincide with the Flying Pig Marathon
in October 2020-though no specific date has been set for this event as of
today's meeting. Suzanne reported that event organizers have not announced
an end date for sales of paper tickets, but she reported that members of the
Ohio affiliate can continue selling paper tickets until the first week of
May. Suzanne requested that all members continue to promote the online
fundraiser and expressed that she shared an email with the web site for
online ticket sales-http://www.piggestraffle.com-in an email to chapter
presidents prior to today's meeting. Online and paper tickets are $5 apiece.
The grand prize winner will receive $5,000 with $5,000 going to the Ohio
Affiliate. The second prize winner will receive $2,500 with the same amount
going to the Ohio Affiliate. The third prize winner will receive a $1,500
Cincinnati weekend getaway. President Gloria Robinson expressed that she
still has some paper tickets to sell to Chapter members, and anyone
interested can contact her directly.


11.	Suzanne Turner announced that an "encouraging power" event is
scheduled for Sunday April 26 at 4:00 P.M. on the Ohio Affiliate
teleconference line. The event features songs, poems, and inspirational
talks. Joann Williams from the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio,
Cleveland Chapter will facilitate this event. Anyone interested in
contributing to this event can email Suzanne Turner directly. A nurse is
scheduled to answer questions and give updates on the Covid-19 Pandemic and
"good mental health" at 1:30 P.m. on Tuesday April 28. This event is also
facilitated by the Cleveland Chapter and will take place on the Ohio
Affiliate conference line. Several other events on the Zoom platform were
also discussed, including the live National Federation of the Blind
Presidential release set for May 1 at 8:00 P.M. Information concerning all
events discussed was posted to the Ohio-Talk listserv. Suzanne also reminded
Chapter members that she is facilitating a daily "coffee break" from 10:00
to 10:30 A.M. to check on the well-being of individual members.


12.	Suzanne Turner asked all members of the Affiliate-especially those
involved in membership recruitment efforts-to keep fully abreast of
developments from the National Office concerning the current public health
crisis and other advocacy issues. 


13.	Ohio Affiliate President Richard Payne expressed concerns regarding
the Membership Committee's decision to suspend regular meetings until the
market reopens in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic. President Payne stated
that though the Chapters and the Divisions of the Affiliate have a solid
corps of members, the Chapter needs to think of ways of marketing the
Federation and its activities virtually-as some other Chapters have done.
Richard also stressed the importance of members' attendance at this year's
National Convention, which is being offered virtually for the first time in
the history of the Federation due to the Pandemic. Members can register for
this year's National Convention for free at
https://www.nfb.org/get-involved/national-convention. President Payne
suggested that the Membership Committee can assist those unable to register
for National Convention to do so-among other activities. 


14.	Affiliate President Richard Payne encouraged anyone needing
assistance, resources or support in the wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic to
reach out to him directly. Chapter President Gloria Robinson also offered
her assistance to any Chapter member in need during this time.


15.	Suzanne Turner encouraged any member of the Affiliate who needs help
understanding an aspect of the organization or Federation philosophy to seek
a mentor. Some time was taken during the latter part of today's meeting
discussing the importance of mentoring and the role of mentors in the
development of leadership of the Ohio Affiliate. Suzanne also indicated that
information on the activities of the Affiliate and National Organization is
available for those without Internet access through the Cleveland Chapter
voice box, which can be reached by telephone at (641) 715-3900, Access Code


16.	President Gloria Robinson requested that all members provide her
with their updated contact information by phone or text. 


17.	The April 2020 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 3:04 P.M. on
Saturday April 25 2020.


18.	The May 2020 meeting of the Cincinnati Chapter of the National
Federation of the Blind of Ohio Cincinnati Chapter will be held on Saturday
May 23 2020 from 1:30 to 3:30 P.M. by teleconference.


Respectfully Submitted,


Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter


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