[Cinci-NFB] Educate, empower and inspire for Diabetics

Walter Mitchell walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com
Mon May 4 17:18:21 UTC 2020

You   Are Cordially Invited To


Participate In The Ohio Diabetic Action Network Conference Call.


Learn of the management of your Kidney's with your diabetic condition.




The D.A.N. of Ohio would love your support and hope to hear from you by
calling us on Saturday, May 9th. 2020 at 10:00 am EST.


(605) 475-4882


Access code:  889 687



Guest Speaker: Nurse Practishenor Sandra K. Mernen returns to us from
Kettering Medical Centers Diabetic Division


&National Diabetic Instructor and Spokes person



*         Richard Payne-President-OH Affiliate


*         Susan Day-OH D.A.N. Division President


*         Walter Mitchell-OH.D.A.N. Vice-President 


*         Open Forum-All Are Welcomed


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