[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for October 2020

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Sun Nov 8 17:45:24 UTC 2020

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

Meeting Minutes for October 24 2020


1.	The October 2020 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at
approximately 1:35 P.M. on Saturday October 24 2020. In attendance were:
President Gloria Robinson, Christopher Sabine, Marianne Denning, Emily
Pennington, Gary Warren, Dave Perry, Taslim Dibba, Lisa hall, Ana Burrage,
Haley Thurston, Akeelah Cade, Candice Armstrong, Dale Barta and Robert
Harris. Sharon Thomas from the National Federation of the Blind of
Louisiana, New Orleans Chapter, Richard Payne, President of the National
Federation of the Blind of Ohio, and Suzanne Turner, Vice President of the
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, also attended. Allison Meloy,
Counselor at the Southwest Regional Office of Opportunities for Ohioans with
Disabilities, Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired, attended today's
meeting as a guest of the Chapter. At a special meeting of the Board of
Directors prior to today's meeting, Lisa Hall indicated that she was
stepping down from her position as At-large Board Member due to personal
reasons. The Board voted to nominate Candice Armstrong to take her place. 


2.	Dave Perry moved to approve the September meeting minutes as
emailed; Dale Barta seconded, and the motion passed.



3.	Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's Report. Marianne
Denning moved to approve this month's Treasurer's Report. Dave Perry
seconded, and the motion passed.


4.	Gary Warren gave a brief report from the Fundraising
Committee-beginning with an update on the Fall raffle. Tickets for this
raffle are $5 apiece and 3 for $12. The grand prize is a 39-inch Amazon
Firestick TV with Echo. Participation in this raffle is good so far, and
Gary encouraged all Chapter members to reach out to President Gloria
Robinson to sell tickets. All members should give ticket sales to Emily
Pennington, Treasurer, or President Gloria Robinson. The drawing will be
held on December 12 2020 at 2:00 P.M at the Taqueria Mercado Restaurant in
Downtown Cincinnati. Tickets will be available for sale until around
December 7. Gary also reported that some other fundraising projects are in
the works for early 2021. Marianne Denning asked if raffle tickets could be
sold at State Convention as the Chapter has done in the past, being that the
Ohio Affiliate is holding the convention virtually this year. A question
arose regarding the legality of posting the word "raffle" to the Ohio-Talk
listserv in Ohio, as the National Federation of the blind of Ohio is a
nonprofit organization. There is reportedly a statute in the Ohio Revised
Code banning the advertisement of a raffle directly by a nonprofit
organization. After some discussion, it was agreed that Ana Burrage will
send a copy of the flier for the Fall Fundraiser to Suzanne Turner for her
to review for compliance with the Ohio Revised Code. It was decided that
members may distribute the flier and sell tickets internally by their own
channels outside of Ohio-Talk or other means directly associated with the
National Federation of the Blind. Payment logistics and accounting was also
discussed. Marianne Denning reminded all Chapter members that the person
selling the most raffle tickets will receive a $50 gift card. 


5.	Christopher Sabine gave a brief Membership Committee report. He
indicated that the Chapter currently has one new member and is reaching out
to two others who have registered for the Ohio Affiliate Convention.
Membership recruitment activities are still in place. Suzanne turner
indicated that members who registered for Convention after Noon on October
18 will not be eligible to vote. Suzanne reminded Chapter members on the
proper etiquette for inducting new members into the Chapter. 


6.	There was no Transportation Committee Report, as Chris Windham and
Robert Harris were not available. However, Robert Harris did announce
himself later in today's meeting.


7.	Marianne Denning reviewed the National Federation of the blind Code
of Conduct with Chapter members.


8.	Christopher Sabine read the current constitution of the Cincinnati
Chapter to all members in attendance. President Richard Payne recommended
that the Chapter forward the Constitution to Barbara Pierce, who is
reviewing all chapter constitutions in the affiliate. Christopher Sabine
forwarded a copy of the Cincinnati Constitution to Barbara Pierce following
today's meeting.


9.	Emily Pennington requested all members who have not done so already
to pay their annual $10 membership dues to the Chapter and be thinking about
paying next year's dues.



10.	Suzanne Turner, Vice President of the National Federation of the
Blind of Ohio, gave an overview of the 2020 Ohio Affiliate Convention, which
is currently scheduled from November 6-7 2020 as well as pre-convention
activities. This convention will be held virtually due to the current
Covid-19 public health crisis. Suzanne expressed that trainings will be held
for users of the Zoom Platform on which the Affiliate will be hosting the
Convention. Trainings will be offered for users of the telephone
conferencing platform, smartphone apps and PC / MAC applications for zoom on
November 1 at 6:00 P.M., November 2 at 7:00 P.M., and November 3 at 7:00
P.M., respectively. All three trainings will be conducted by a team
facilitating the technical logistics for the Convention on Zoom-referred to
as the tech team. It will cover all basic tasks necessary for members to
navigate the Zoom platform and participate in Convention activities. The
Convention will kick off on November 4 with a "rookie round up" from 6:30 to
8:30 P.M. this will feature entertainment, general overviews of the
organization, and door prizes. Suzanne asked all members to invite at least
two people to the Rookie Round up and pre-convention and convention
activities and be logged into the Zoom Platform by 6:15 on November 4. An
Exhibitor Seminar has been scheduled for Thursday November 5 at 3:00 P.M.,
in which thirteen vendors will be featured. Each vendor will conduct a
presentation on their products and services. There will be two door prizes:
a $100 subscription to AIRA and an Apple iPad Mini. The Convention proper is
scheduled for November 6-7. There will not be any activities on November 8
as stated in some previous reports. Paid members will be eligible to vote if
they have registered prior to October 18 and submitted their phone number to
the voting system prior to that date. Suzanne expressed that there will be
Money for the Movement at this year's banquet, which is currently set for
Saturday November 7 from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. Finally, the Ohio Senior Division
will be holding a drawing for a $200 grand prize. Interested members should
pay $10 to Gloria Conway, Secretary of the Ohio Senior Division, through
Suzanne or by paying her directly through Zelle from a bank account.


11.	Allison Meloy, Counselor at the Southwest Field Office of the Ohio
Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired, Opportunities for Ohioans with
Disabilities, indicated that anyone interested in services from the
agency-either vocational rehabilitation or independent living-should call
Mary Rue at the Southwest field Office at (513) 768-6737. The previous
contact, Wendy Ray, has reportedly left this position.


12.	It was decided without a motion to hold a special board meeting to
determine the date for the next Chapter meeting.


13.	The October 2020 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, was adjourned at approximately 3:05 P.M. on
Saturday October 24 2020.


Respectfully Submitted,


Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter


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