[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for October 2021

Christopher Sabine info at onhconsulting.com
Fri Nov 12 17:59:42 UTC 2021

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
Meeting Minutes for October 2021

  1.  The October 2021 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at approximately 1:30 P.M. on Saturday October 23 2021. In attendance at today's meeting were: President Gloria Robinson, Marianne Denning, Christopher Sabine, Emily Pennington, Taslim Dibba, Gary Warren, Lisa Hall, Deanna Lewis, Tammy McRae, Frank Bragassa, and Haley Thurston.

  1.  Marianne Denning moved to except the September Chapter minutes as presented. Haley Thurston seconded, and the motion passed.

  1.  Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's Report. Marianne Denning moved to except the Treasurer's Report as presented. Christopher Sabine seconded, and the motion passed.

  1.  Christopher Sabine gave a report from the Membership Committee. He indicated that the Committee is still not holding regular meetings as activities are still suspended due to the Pandemic. However, membership recruitment activities are still ongoing. President Gloria Robinson expressed that some members will encounter potential recruits to the National Federation of the Blind with negative attitudes about Blindness who may be resistant to joining. She asked any member who encounters a potential new member with a negative attitude to continue reaching out to that person and have patience. She also asked anyone with concerns about potential new members to reach out to her or another Chapter officer.

  1.  Christopher Sabine gave a report from the Transportation Committee. Christopher expressed that he has scheduled an appointment to meet in person with Khaled Shammout, Vice President of Operations for the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA), to discuss concerns of Chapter members regarding service on Metro and ACCESS. President Gloria Robinson and Chris Windham are also expected to attend this meeting by telephone conference. The main concerns addressed by President Gloria Robinson involve drivers' failure to call out bus stops, announce their routes and enable automatic announcement systems, which are required under the Americans with Disabilities Act and supposed to operate without driver intervention. Other member concerns regarding ACCESS were also discussed.

  1.  Marianne Denning gave a brief report concerning legislation. She indicated that there has been movement and testimony given regarding Ohio's Parental Rights Bill, H.B. 352 / S. 202. Ohio's Accessible Prescription Legislation was also introduced in the General Assembly by Rep. Richard Brown (D-Canal Winchester) as H.B. 448.

  1.  Gary Warren gave a report from the Fundraising Committee to update the Chapter on the status of the current campaign. He expressed that the Amazon Smart Oven that the Chapter is offering as a grand prize is now on its way. President Gloria Robinson indicated that the oven is being donated from another source, and the shipment was delayed due to issues obtaining donations related to the Pandemic. As in the previous campaign, tickets will be available for $5 apiece or $12 for 3 tickets. The Committee is also considering working with pampered Chef on some other projects, and President Robinson reported that the Double Good Pop Corn Fundraiser is also being recommenced. The Chapter may also have a Spring Ball next year, depending on the status of the Pandemic. No action was taken concerning that event at today's meeting.

  1.  Christopher Sabine gave a report concerning the 75th Anniversary Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, which is set to take place virtually on November 5 and 6 2021. Christopher reported that the deadline to register for Convention and still receive door prizes is October 27, and attendees must register separately to vote by October 24. The agenda has been released and posted to the Cinci-Talk and Ohio-Talk Listservs. There will be a "Rookie Round Up" for first-time Convention attendees, which will take place virtually on November 3 at 6:30 P.M. This event will have a 1940's theme and include a presentation by National President Mark Riccobono on the history of the National Federation of the Blind and a skit on the price of everyday items in the 1940's compared to today by Christopher Sabine and Ryan Sima, Secretary of the Cuyahoga County Chapter. There will also be door prizes at "Rookie Round UP", including a $75 Diamond Door Prize. This Year's Exhibit Hall is scheduled for Thursday November 4 from 3:00 to 5:30 P.M. and will feature 13 exhibitors demonstrating a wide variety of assistive devices, including Humanware and Freedom Scientific. The Convention Proper, scheduled for Friday and Saturday, November 5-6, will feature a wide variety of presentations, including the Affiliate's first ever "Abilities Seminar", which will demonstrate the capabilities of members of the Blind community to perform work and volunteer activities. The Convention will conclude with our annual banquet from 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. The national representative for this year's convention is Everett Bacon, President of the National Federation of the Blind of Utah and Member of the National Board of Directors. President Gloria Robinson indicated that Marianne Denning will serve as the Cincinnati Chapter's representative on the Nominating Committee for the Ohio Affiliate.

  1.  President Gloria Robinson indicated that she will run for President of the Cincinnati Chapter for the 2022-23 term. She has asked Marianne Denning to chair the Cincinnati Chapter Nominating Committee, which will consist of Marianne, Frank Bragassa, Christopher Sabine and Gary Warren.

10.  It was agreed that the next Chapter meeting will be held on Saturday November 20 2021 at 1:30 P.M. to accommodate the Thanksgiving Day Holiday. The Chapter will be holding elections during this meeting.

11.  President Gloria Robinson expressed that she and Dave Parry will be donating snacks on behalf of the Cincinnati Chapter to the Lutheran Social Services Choices Home for victims of domestic violence in Columbus for the Ohio Affiliate's Community Services Project. At the request of President Gloria Robinson, Christopher Sabine moved that the Chapter allocate $45 to cover the cost of donations for the Community Service Project. Emily Pennington seconded, and the motion passed without further discussion.

12.  Marianne Denning moved that the Chapter allocate $100 for door prizes for State Convention and an additional $100 for Money for the Movement. Christopher Sabine seconded, and the motion passed.

13.  It was decided that the Board of Directors will explore holding an in-person Christmas Party this year, but details were not finalized at today's meeting.

14.  The October 2021 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 2:25 P.M. on Saturday October 23 2021.

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher Sabine


National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Cincinnati Chapter

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