[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for December, 2022
Christopher Sabine
info at onhconsulting.com
Mon Jan 9 15:10:13 UTC 2023
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
Meeting Minutes for December 2022
1. the December 2022 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by President Gloria Robinson at approximately 1:35 P.M. on Saturday December 17, 2022. In attendance at today's meeting were President Gloria Robinson, Gary Warren, Chris Windham, Frank Bragassa, Dave Perry, Emily Pennington, Christopher Sabine, Lisa Hall, Walter Mitchell, Mohammed Ikramullah, Tammy Smith, Haley Thurston, and Tammy McRae. Akeelah Cade attended this meeting as a guest of the Chapter.
2. Dave Perry Moved to accept the October minutes as presented. Gary warren seconded, and the motion passed.
3. Emily Pennington gave this month's Treasurer's report. Dave Perry moved to accept the Treasurer's Report. Gary Warren seconded, and the motion passed.
4. Christopher Sabine gave a report from the Transportation Committee. Christopher indicated that Metro has begun two new crosstown routes. One connects Sharonville to the Oakley Transit Center, and the other connects Symmes Township to Forest Park.
4. President Gloria Robinson gave a report from the Community Outreach Committee. She indicated that she has been in touch with Damon Lynch, Pastor of New Prospect Baptist Church, as well as other churches and community organizations concerning Chapter activities, including upcoming fundraisers.
5. Dave Perry and Gary Warren gave this month's Fundraising Committee report. Dave began the discussion expressing that the Popcorn Fundraiser is still ongoing, and the Chapter plans to step up its efforts to sell as much popcorn as possible in January. Later in the discussion, Gary Warren expressed that the Committee has decided to stop marketing single bags for $5. Instead, larger bags will be sold for $10 each. Dave expressed that it is the responsibility of all Chapter members to sell popcorn, not just the Fundraising Committee, expressing the importance of bolstering our treasury, which is down to $300. He also expressed that the Amazon Smart Oven drawing is still in the works. Gary Warren expressed that the Committee is organizing a spring ball for some time in April 2023. This event was originally planned for February but pushed back due to concerns regarding weather and the incidence of Covid-19 in the community. The Spring Ball will take place at the St. Lawrence Knights of Columbus Hall in West Price Hill. The Committee plans to invite all Ohio Affiliate members, and professional portraits will be available. Dress will be formal with spring colors. The Committee is reportedly securing a hotel for out-of-town guests. An exact date for the event has not been set, and pricing and catering is also in the works. The discussion concluded with President Gloria Robinson re-emphasizing the importance of participation in fundraising campaigns and other Chapter activities by all members, indicating that she will offer $50 and $25 gift cards to either Kroger or J.C. Penny to the members with the first and second highest popcorn sales, respectively.
6. President Gloria Robinson reported that the Chapter will be holding a holiday party on Tuesday December 27 at 2:00 P.M. at the Cheddars Restaurant located at 3633 Springdale Road in Colerain Township, near Northgate Mall. Awards will be given out at this event. Dave Perry promised to send a text to the membership with the address of the restaurant following today's meeting.
7. Walter Mitchell gave an update from the Ohio Diabetes Action Network (DAN). He expressed that all members interested in joining the group or seeking information about Diabetes can attend the division's meetings or join the OhioDan-Talk Listserv. Walter reported that the next DAN meeting is scheduled for Saturday, February 4, 2023, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 Noon on the Ohio Affiliate Zoom Platform. The topic will be Chronic Kidney Disease, Prevention, Detection, and Management. The division is working on having an endocrinologist and a dialysis nurse lead the presentation. Gary Warren, who recently received a kidney transplant, will also be giving a testimonial. Several options for finding a dialysis nurse were discussed.
8. Dave Perry gave a report from the Membership Committee. He emphasized that every member counts, and each member is responsible for fulfilling the activities of the chapter and the overall organization. he reported that he will be attending Washington Seminar, the National Organization's annual legislative event, representing the Cincinnati Chapter. He concluded his report by expressing that he will be reaching out to members who have not been participating in Chapter meetings or activities to help bring them back into the fold.
9. Christopher Sabine gave a brief Legislative Committee update. He expressed that Ohio Senate bill 202, Ohio's Parental Rights Bill, has passed the Ohio Senate, and an amended version of the bill has passed the House, paving the way for the bill to be signed into law. If signed into law, Ohio would be the seventh state to have such parental rights protections in place. Ohio's parental rights bill would make it illegal for a child welfare agency to discriminate against a person with a disability with regard to custody, visitation, adoption, or fostering of a minor child based solely on disability. Christopher gave special thanks to President Gloria Robinson and others in the Cincinnati Chapter who gave testimonials in support of this important legislation.
10. Chris Windham expressed that he would like to institute a recruitment date / time for Chapter members and a date in which members need to have their dues paid to ensure their membership for that year. Emily Pennington indicated that she is currently accepting dues by PayPal, Zelle, the Cash App, and check / money order and promised to send out a reminder with payment information following today's meeting. Anyone who is unable to pay their dues should reach out to President Gloria Robinson.
11. President Gloria Robinson indicated that she will be holding a birthday party for Dave Perry at her home the evening of New Year's Eve.
12. The December 2022 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 2:28 P.M. on Saturday, December 27, 2022. The next meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter will take place from 1:30 to 3:30 P.M., Saturday, January 28, 2023.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher Sabine
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
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