[Cinci-NFB] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter, Meeting Minutes for June, 2023

Christopher Sabine info at onhconsulting.com
Sun Jul 30 18:41:04 UTC 2023

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter
Meeting Minutes for June 2023

The June, 2023 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was convened by Vice President Dave Parry at approximately 1:42 P.M. on Saturday, June 24, 2023 by telephone conference. Attending today's meeting by phone were Dave Perry, Gloria Robinson, Emily Pennington, Christopher Sabine, Frank Bragassa, Chris Windham, Walter Mitchell, Lisa Hall, Tammy Smith, and Haley Thurston.

2.         Emily Pennington presented this month's Treasurer's Report. Walter Mitchell moved to accept the Treasurer's Report. Lisa Hall seconded, and the motion passed.

3.         Walter Mitchell moved to accept the May Minutes as presented to the Chapter. Haley Thurston seconded, and the motion passed.

4.         Dave Perry began the Fundraising Committee report for this month with an update on the Cincinnati Chapter Spring Ball, which took place at the West Price Hill Knights of Columbus Hall on Saturday April 29, 2023. Dave reported that the event was a great success--with an auction, door prizes, and a local speaker, and a significant amount of money was raised for the Chapter.  He elaborated that the more people who participate in planning, organizing, and marketing  these events in the future, the more successful they will be. Other fundraising campaigns, such as the Double Good Popcorn Fundraiser, are still ongoing. Lisa Hall observed that the amount of volunteer participation was a factor in this event's success. Walter Mitchell expressed that he would like to see the Chapter begin selling popcorn online. After some animated discussion involving several members of the Chapter's Board and Walter, it was decided that the Fundraising Committee would continue discussion on this topic and report back to the Full Chapter.

5.         Dave Perry gave a report from the Membership Committee. He expressed that he would like to commence regular meetings of the Committee after National Convention. He also expressed that Tukandu, a local tandem cycling club linking Blind and sighted riders connected to the Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, is meeting twice a month from April to October. The group meets at the Loveland Bike Trail from 9:00 to 12:00 on Saturday mornings with transportation provided. Anyone interested in joining can reach out to Dave Perry directly.

6.         Chris Windham gave an update from the Transportation Committee, expressing that the Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA) has made several changes to routes on Metro, SORTA's fixed route bus service. Chris expressed that he did not believe very many members currently use Metro, and the agency has made no progress in resolving the Chapter's concerns regarding Metro's drivers failing to announce bus stops or identify routes verbally using the public announcement systems on buses. Dave Perry expressed that he is experiencing the same issues. Walter Mitchell asked about the status of sensitivity training and testing for drivers regarding services to Blind riders, expressing that few Chapter members use fixed routes because they are so inaccessible. This was discussed at the March, 2023 Chapter meeting, in which representatives from SORTA participated. He also requested to join the Transportation Committee. Dave Perry provided the Chapter with information about Lazerillo, a free app available for IOS users that provides accessible GPS location and navigation information. It was also agreed that Dave Perry, as an employee of the Cincinnati Association of the blind and Visually Impaired and vice President of the Cincinnati Chapter, will write a letter to Aaron Bley, Chief Development Officer of the Cincinnati Association of the blind and Visually Impaired and member of SORTA's Board of Directors, regarding the Chapter's concerns.

7.         Christopher Sabine gave a brief report from the Legislative Committee. He expressed that the Access Technology Affordability Act, one of the Federation's national legislative priorities, has been introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives. If passed, this bill would provide a tax credit of up to $2,000 for the purchase of assistive technology for the Blind, which can be used in any three-year-period. This includes screen reading or text magnification software, Braille displays or embossers, or other software, hardware, or subscription-based services. This information is available on the Ohio-Talk Listserv and on the National Federation of the blind's web site. Walter Mitchell agreed to assist any member who needs support subscribing to email lists operated by the National Federation of the Blind. Members can also contact David Andrews, who administers all nfb LISTSERVS, AT DANDREWS920 at COMCAST.NET<mailto:DANDREWS920 at COMCAST.NET>.

8.         Walter Mitchell gave a brief Community Activities Committee report. He expressed that the Committee attended the National Blind Bowling League's tournament, which took place on May 25, 2023 in Cincinnati and ate lunch afterwards. If anyone is interested in participating in this league or similar activities can reach out to Walter Mitchell directly. The Committee agreed to discuss forming a three-person team for the league for next year. Tammy Smith, Chris Windham, and Walter Mitchell expressed interest in participating. The Committee also agreed to refer discussions regarding a possible Chapter picnic back to the Committee as well as plans to organize an outing to a restaurant to evaluate its service to members of the Blind community and raise awareness. President Gloria Robinson expressed interest in assisting with this project.

9.         Walter Mitchell announced that the Cobb County Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Georgia will be hosting a cookout to benefit the Federation and members of the Blind Community, particularly youth transitioning to adulthood. The event, blind Empowerment, Advocacy, and Mentoring (BEAM) is set for September 2, 2023 during Labor Day weekend. This event is being organized by Georgio Griffiths, President of the Cobb County Chapter, located outside Atlanta. The hotel is reportedly a Hampton Inn in Atlanta near Suntrust Park, but room rates are very expensive, approximately $176 plus tax. Anyone interested in attending or receiving further information can reach out to Walter Mitchell directly, and Walter expressed that he might be able to arrange transportation if enough people are interested.

9.         President Gloria Robinson expressed that plans are in the works for a White cane Walk to be held to observe Blind Equality Achievement Month in October, involving the reading of a proclamation. Terri Shirk, Executive Director of the Cincinnati Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired, has agreed to participate in this event. Further information will be provided at the August Chapter meeting.

10.       President Gloria Robinson expressed that if a Chapter member fails to participate in at least three Chapter events as determined by the Committee consisting of the Chapter Board of Directors plus an additional member from outside the Board appointed by the Chapter President, that committee will meet to decide the member's status as a Chapter member. Anyone with questions regarding a committee should communicate with the Chair of that Committee.

11.       Walter Mitchell announced that the Ohio Diabetes Action Network (DAN) will hold a raffle in August, 2023. No exact date was given. Tickets are $10 apiece with a first prize of $300, a second prize of $200, and a third prize of $100. Anyone interested in purchasing a ticket can reach out to the Ohio Diabetes Action Network or Walter Mitchell.

12.       The June, 2023 meeting of the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio, Cincinnati Chapter was adjourned at approximately 3:01 P.M. on Saturday, June 24, 2023. The next meeting will be held on Saturday, August 27, 2023 at 1:30 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Christopher Sabine
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Cincinnati Chapter

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