[Coagdu] seminar.

melissa R green graduate56 at juno.com
Tue Mar 18 02:39:14 UTC 2014

Hello all.

Thank you Beth for contacting the vet.  I think that it should be a full 
session so that everyone can particepate.  Any other thoughts?
Have a blessed day.
Best Wishes
Melissa R. Green and Pj
“Only one thing has to change for us to know happiness in our lives: where 
we focus our attention.”
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Beth Allred
To: melissa R green
Cc: coagdu
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2014 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Coagdu] seminar.

Good evening… We do have a fat for the seminar and I noticed that the agenda 
calls for the vet between one and two. Could we give him a more streamlined 
idea of when he should speak, and is this going to be a breakout session or 
can we all be together for the vet talk? He is really excited about coming, 
and plans to bring some things for people to look at, bones and other things 
to show certain medical conditions such as arthritis. He plans on discussing 
health issues that concern large breed dogs.. I would appreciate any input 
so that I can get back in touch with him, thanks and I hope to hear from you 
all soon


Beth Allred, M.Mus.
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 16, 2014, at 7:28 PM, "melissa R green" <graduate56 at juno.com> wrote:

  Here is the list for people to sign up to contact people for the seminar 
in may.
  We need people to contact the following: to see if we can get someone to 
speak at the seminar.
  Taxi cab companies
  Housing authority
  puppy raisers organizations and clubs
  DSS offices.
  This way we can find out what the pollicies are concerning guide dogs and 
service dogs on college campuses.
  A Vet
  A groomer
  One experienced guide dog user and one fairly new guide dog user.
  someone to talk about service anemal rights.
  I believe this covers everything on the agenda.  I would like people to 
respond to the lists as a way of signing up to contacting people and places. 
There can be more than one person to contact these places and people.
  Have a blessed day.
  Best Wishes
  Melissa R. Green and Pj
  “Only one thing has to change for us to know happiness in our lives: where 
we focus our attention.”
  Coagdu mailing list
  Coagdu at nfbnet.org
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