[Coagdu] the colorado asociation of guide dog users(Coagdu) conference call

melissa R green graduate56 at juno.com
Sun Nov 16 04:50:01 UTC 2014

You are invited.

The colorado association of guide dog users will be having our monthly
meeting tomorrow afternoon at 4:00PM.  

The Calling information  is: Calling number: 1-857-232-0158

Access code: 702609

The agenda is as follows:

Treasurerer's report

A Brief discussion on convention.

Plans for the upcoming year:including a second annual guide dog seminar,
next issue of the water dish, both outreach and membership, a joint seminar
with Cabs.  

Fundraising: The yankee candle fund raiser and one other idea for

Constetutional amendment.

New topic for discussion.

This month's topic for discussion is: advice for a future guide dog user,
and advice for a current user.  What would be one thing that you would tell
a future user, and a current one?  

A selection for topic for next month's meeting.

Other business




Melissa R Green and Pj

if I've learned anything about friendship, it's to hang in, stay connected,
fight for them, and let them fight for you.  Don't walk away, don't be
distracted, don't be too busy or tired, don't take them for granted.
Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together.

M-Facebook: melissa R Green

Twitter: melissa5674


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