[Coagdu] meetting minutes from 10-12-14
Marty Rahn
marty.rahn at juno.com
Mon Oct 13 02:06:52 UTC 2014
Hi all,
Please find below the minutes from the last meeting.
The meeting was called to order at 5:40 PM. People present were Melissa, Marty, Brian, Shon, Becky and Jenny. We first discussed our after banquet activity at convention. Shon said that Madalin is willing to do a dance class and that they will have a cash bar and people could also mingle. Melissa will send an email to Michelle to let her know that we will take care of the after banques logistics. We then discussed an activity that we could do as a division on Friday night at the Haloween party. We discussed several ideas including Pin the Tail on the Dog, having a pinota, and guessing the number of dog bones in the container. The winner would then get the container of bones as well as a bag of candy for themselves. Becky will go to Wal Mart and pick up the Milk Bones and a couple of bags of bulk candy. Melissa will look for a pinota. Melissa will also look for some Trick or Treat bags so that we can hand out candy. Shon said that Tina Thomas is waiting to see if she can get a roommate and is currently looking for tickets. All of the reps from the guide dog schools are confirmed accept for the rep The Seeing Eye according to Lisa. Shon said that The Seeing Eye Rep had gotten in her registration and that he would check with her about this. Regarding the agenda for the seminar, we have decided to use our agenda from the May seminar and to modify it to meet our needs. We will need time for scott, James Brown and Tina to speak, and after some discussion, we decieed that we wouldn't have the RTD pannel, and we don't know about whether Beth has been able to see if her vet will come to speak again. Melissa will check with her about this. We then looked at the agenda and decided that we would revamp and work with the morning portion of it. Shon will come up with the title for our seminar as well as the blurb to be placed in the main convention agenda. Lisa needs to have this blurb into her by this upcoming Tuesday. Shon will also get a pack of index cards from the center for taking down names to include in our door srize drawing and Melissa will send Lisa an email stating that we will need at least 2 braillewriters. Regarding getting materials over to the hotel, Shon will ask Lorinda to see if she may be able to help with this since it is unclear whether Kimberley or Carol will have room to help transport these things, and Shon will also check on how many copies we have of various pamphlets with Brian's help so that we can determine whether or not we need to braille/print more. We then moved on to a discussion on collecting door prizes. Everyone who can collect door prizes needs to collect them. We will neow to have door prizes for general sessions, our seminar on Saturday afternoon and our after banpuet activity on Saturday night. Melissa will resend the donations letter that we can give to businnesses out to the board again. Shon will leave a message for Julie to see about embossing copies of the agenda for our seminar once it is finalized. Marion stopped by for a few minutes to let us know that that he is proud of the work that we are doing in the state and to also let us know that we should attend the next NAGDU board meeting which will be held on the 26th of October. We will be talking about Branding and we will have an opportunity to provide input on this subject. The meeting will be at 8:00 PM Eastern Time which is 6:00 PM Mountain Time. The Resolutions committee will meet on Wednesday October 15 at 7:00 PM. Our next meeting was scheduled for Sunday October 26 at 4:00 PM unless something urgent arises. The meeting was then adjourned at 6:50 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marty Rahn, Secretary,
Colorado Association of Guide Dog Users
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