[COAGDU] 10/18/20 Anual Meeting Minutes

maryannmigs at gmail.com maryannmigs at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 02:11:22 UTC 2020

Thank you Marty.

These look like spot on minutes as usual.


At your service,


Maryann Migliorelli



From: COAGDU <coagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Marty Rahn via COAGDU
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2020 6:34 PM
To: coagdu at nfbnet.org
Cc: Marty Rahn <marty.rahn at juno.com>; kevan at nfbco.org
Subject: [COAGDU] 10/18/20 Anual Meeting Minutes



The meeting was called to order at 4:05 pm. People present were Melissa G., Paul, Kevan, Libby, Marty, Melissa S. Maryann joined at around 4:15. Rennae and Maureen were not present. We had Doula Jarbo, gale hereamilton, Eileen Gallegos, Sandy Schleich, Jamie Carley and Abraham Fisher, present as guests. Doula began our meeting with a question about what her rights were regarding health issues since she has submitted an application to Guiding Eyes and whether or not the school might say no. She was given the advice to keep in touch with the nurse at Guiding Eyes and with Melissa Smith.

Presidential report: We are building on what others have started and we are in a good place. We have been slowed down by the pandemic as many of our projects have been put on hold. We need to get a good crowd at our upcoming seminar on Thursday afternoon October 29 at 3:00 PM. The convention agenda will be coming out shortly, but they are waiting to pen down a couple of folks. Kevan stated that we need to find people who speak Spanish to help bridge the gap between our Spanish-speaking and non-Spanish-speaking populations in the state so that we can help to provide services. Doula asked about closed captioning for convention events and Paul said that they were working on getting support for closed captioning but that he wasn't sure how everything was going to work just yet.

Minutes: Paul moved and Maryann seconded adoption of the minutes as emailed to the COAGDU email list. This motion was adopted without discussion.

Treasurer's report: We have dues from 18 people as of today. There have been 45 cents taken from each $5 paid. We have now around $140. Melissa G. motioned and paul seconded to adopt the Treasurer's report with no further discussion.

Convention Seminar: Melissa Almond and Scott LaBarre are discussing legal rights and responsibilities of guide dog handlers and we will also be having a T-Touch seminar. We no longer have a chiropractor as all of the ones we know are unavailable. Jessica Beecham joined the meeting at 4:35.

Old Businness: Melissa G. brought up the newsletter, The Waterdish that we used to publish as a division. Jessica stated that maybe we should do a column in the afiliate blog, The Blind Colorodan. Melissa G. stated that she disagreed since most national divisions have newsletters in addition to whatever they publish as an afiliate. Sandy agreed with Melissa G. Maryann said that she liked the idea of a column in the Blind Colorodan blog and also having a newsletter. Melissa G made a motion and Doula seconded to have a newsletter that we could then also transform into a column for the Blind Colorodan blog. Melissa G was appointed as the chairwoman of the newsletter committee.

Auction: Maryann is still gathering items for the auction. We have about a dozen packages. The auction will be held live. Maryann will be sending out a list of auction items. She also stated that if you purchase a pac'age, that those who are donating them are also responsible for shipping items so it may be possible to receive items at different times or from more than one location.

We then held elections. Those who were elected are as follows:

Kevan Worley, President
Rennae Anderson, Vice President
Maryann Migliorelli, Treasurer
Paul Sandovol, Board member 1
Melissa Smith, Board member 2
libby Mulner, Board Member 3
Melissa Green, Board member 4

6-Dot Dash: If you would like to sign up for the 6-Dot Dash you can go to www.6dotdashco.com <http://www.6dotdashco.com> . You can sign up to fundrase individually, or walk/run on a team.
Potential Fundraiser: Eileen offered to set up a Tupperware fundraiser if the division was interested. Someone would need to take charge of the fundraiser and we would get 40 percent of the profits.

The next meeting was set for Sunday November 15, 2020 at 4:00 PM. The meeting was then adjourned at 5:15 PM.

Ms. Marty Rahn 


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