[COAGDU] COAGDU Meeting Minutes for 9/20/20

Marty Rahn marty.rahn at juno.com
Mon Sep 21 00:40:24 UTC 2020

9/20/20 ,
> The meeting was called to order at 4:05 PM. People present were Marty, Paul, Maryann, Kevan, Libby and Melissa G. Jerry, Christina, Andre, and Karis were present as guests.
> Minutes from last meeting: A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as they were posted to the COAGDU mailing list. There was no discussion.
> Treasury: Our finances are fairly stable. And we still have $65. We have a dues collection link where people can go to pay their $5 per year. Motion was made by Maryann and seconded by Melissa G. to accept the Treasurer’s report with no discussion.
> Melissa G. will subscribe people that need to be subscribed to COAGDU along with Kevan.
> State Convention: Maryanne had three topics for a seminar and also is having an evening guide dog lounge Zoom Room during one evening which will be drop-in. The day time proposal is to have four presenters with pieces on dog chiropractics, rights and responsibilities of guide dog handlers and t-touch. If anyone has questions for the chiropractor, please email them to maryann.
> Rene, Rodney and Maureen joined the meeting at around 4:15 Pm.
> 6-Dot Dash: We want people to sign up. Rene suggested having a contest between chapters and divisions. Maryann suggested mailings for those who are registered for State convention to send out information regarding our 6-Dot Dash and COAGDU in order to get people knowledgeable and involved.
> Annual Division meeting: we will send out an email to all saying that in order to vote, people need to be registered by October 15th.
> Auction at Convention: Jerry said he could donate a pound of coffee. Rene will check with BarkBox again to see about donations. Carris stated that she would be able to walk to some pet places near her home to see if they would donate anything. Maryann will contact Chewy.
> The next meting was set for Sunday, October 18, 2020 at 4:00 PM. This will be the Annual Meeting for COAGDU as well as an opportunity to plan last minute details for convention. The meting was motioned for adjournment, seconded and then adjourned at 4:33 PM.
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