[Colorado-talk] Successful Seminar at CSDB

Melissa Green graduate56 at juno.com
Fri May 15 22:27:32 UTC 2009

Thank you all who participated.
Thank you to the center for the chocolate coins.  They were a hit with the students.
Yesterday, five members of cabs hosted a seminar at csdb.  19 students participated in three break out sessions.  The sessions concerned college and social issues, Technology, and independent travel.  Even though these were the topics covered.  Many times the discussions went deeper than those topics.
For example, in the travel group, which I was co-facilitating, we discussed being picked on in school.
There were also some humorous moments as well.  For example, in the social group arielle was asked how can you date someone for more than two weeks.
After the break out sessions, we discussed the importnace of the national federation of the blind and both the colorado asociation of blind students and the national asociation of  blind students.  In the beginning of the seminar, Mr. Tutt Addressed us all.  He informed the students that we were their rolemodels and that we would be coming back there to be involved with the students and to discuss their future.
Mr. Tutt also stayed through out most of the seminar and observed the break out sessions.
At the end of the seminar, many of the students gave us their contact information and thanked us for coming to be with them on a thursday night.
We have been invited to do another seminar on September 17th and to participate in some way in their homecoming activities on the 19th.
i believe that everyone in volved left the activity center in a very good mood.  As well as feeling more inspired and energized.
Melissa Green 
The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval. 

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