[Colorado-talk] reminder.

Melissa Green graduate56 at juno.com
Mon Jun 14 06:09:31 UTC 2010

Hello all.
This is a reminder message about the Cabs conference call tomorrow evening at 7:00.
There will also be a tech committee meeting at 6:30.
Those on the committee and anyone else that is interested can join this meeting.
These meetings are open to all members of cabs.

We will discuss, our fund raising projects, the future seminar, having a face to face meeting, activities and ideas for the mentoring program, the cabs website, and state convention.
Its never too early to start planning.
Any other business.
The call information is still the same.
However, here it is once more.
The number to call in is as follows:
Call in number: 605-475-6006
 and the code to enter is: 587726.
Have a blessed day.
Melissa Green
"Whenever we're afraid, it's because we don't know enough. If we understood enough, we would never be afraid."
Blog: http://readergirl5674.blogspot.com
Facebook: melissa green northern colorado
twitter: melissa5674
msn: graduate1531 at msn.com
Skype: lissa5674
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