Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Wed Oct 24 23:26:32 UTC 2012

Hello Friends, we are conducting our  58th  Annual State Convention starting
tomorrow.  In Jessica's email below, you will see our live streaming link or
you can go to our website, www.nfbco.org, and click on the state convention
link and find your way to the stream there as well.  I am also attaching our
agenda.  Keep in mind that all times are mountain time.  We kick off the
weekend with a history  seminar featuring Mrs. Jernigan and Diane McGeorge.



I also want to let you know that this is absolutely your last chance to
participate in our amazing vacation travel raffle.  Midnight tonight is the
deadline to purchase tickets on line.  We will draw the winning ticket at
our banquet Saturday evening and you don't need to be present to win.  Go to
www.nfbco.org and  look for the vacation travel  raffle link.  




Scott C. LaBarre, President


National Federation of the Blind of Colorado




From: Jessica Beecham [mailto:jbeecham at cocenter.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 4:46 PM
To: jbeecham at cocenter.org


The URL for the 2012 nfbco stream is:

We will begin streaming at approximately 1:00 PM on Thursday. All convention
sessions and selected other events will be streamed. 



Chip Johnson, 

Technology Specialist/instructor

Colorado Center for the Blind

2233 W Shepperd Ave.

Littleton, CO 80120

303 778-1130 

303) 778-1598 fax

cjohnson at cocenter.org


Take charge with confidence and self-reliance.





Jessica Beecham

Chapter and Community Development Coordinator

National Federation of the Blind of Colorado

2233 West Shepperd Ave.

Littleton, CO 80120

 <mailto:jbeecham at nfbco.org> jbeecham at nfbco.org

303-778-1130 extension 223

 <http://www.nfbco.org/> www.nfbco.org


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Twitter_24x24   <https://nfbco.blogspot.com/> Feed_24x24 - Copy


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