[Colorado-talk] Fwd: FREE Training, 12/18/13 - "Funding of Assistive Technology Through State VRAgencies"
Everett Gavel
everett at everettgavel.com
Thu Dec 5 11:56:15 UTC 2013
----- original message -----
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Sadler, Charles" <Charles.Sadler at ed.gov
Subject: FREE Training, 12/18/13 - "Funding of
Assistive Technology Through State VR Agencies"
Date: December 4, 2013 7:54:34 AM EST
To: "NCSRC listserv (ncsrc at mcrs13.org)"
<ncsrc at mcrs13.org
FYI. You may be interested in the following
training on funding AT. Session is free, but
registration is required. Registration info is at
the bottom of the email message.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Invitation to Attend Free Teleconference Training,
12/18/13 at 2:00 to 3:45 EST
This is the third in our three-part "Funding of
Assistive Technology Series." Below you will find
information describing the training, the available
CLE credits, and the form for registration. You
can either use "reply" and fill out the
registration form below OR print it, then scan and
email, or fax it to us following the instructions
The flyer is also now available on our website at:
As noted below, if you have any questions about
this contact Lynn Urquhart (lurquhart at nls.org
<mailto:lurquhart at nls.org>
or 716-847-0650 ext. 271).
James R. Sheldon, Jr.
Supervising Attorney
National Assistive Technology Advocacy Project
Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc.
237 Main Street, Suite 400
Buffalo, NY 14203
716-847-0650 ext. 262
Funding of Assistive Technology through State
Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies
December 18, 2013
2:00 - 3:45 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) (See
registration form below)
This Free 105-Minute Teleconference is for
attorneys, advocates, assistive technology (AT)
specialists, and others.
The presenters will provide a general overview of
the federal criteria that governs the delivery of
services by state vocational rehabilitation (VR)
agencies to individuals with disabilities. The
presenters will then explore the specific
provisions in the federal Rehabilitation Act and
the implementing regulations that describe when AT
devices and services are available to allow an
individual to participate in a VR program or allow
an individual to achieve an employment outcome.
Finally, the presenters will describe the appeals
system that is available to challenge any denial
of services, including the right to pursue a case
in court following an adverse hearing decision.
Trainees will be offered the opportunity to ask
questions during the presentation at specific
times. Both presenters have extensive expertise
related to this topic and have written and
lectured on the topic extensively to audiences
throughout the country.
The National Assistive Technology Advocacy Project
A Project of Neighborhood Legal Services,
Buffalo, NY
The Advocacy Center
New Orleans, Louisiana
Funding of Assistive Technology through State
Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies
Ronald M. Hager, Senior Staff Attorney
National Disability Rights Network
Washington, D.C.
James R. Sheldon, Jr., Supervising Attorney
National Assistive Technology Advocacy Project
Neighborhood Legal Services, Inc.
Buffalo, NY
The presenters each have more than 20 years
experience on issues related to funding of a range
of services, including assistive technology (AT),
through state vocational rehabilitation (VR)
agencies. Both have lectured extensively on this
and related topics at events throughout New York
State and at national conferences.
Attendance Is Free, But Pre-Registration Is
There will be no registration fee. However, since
we are charged for each open phone line, we ask
that two or more individuals attending from the
same location listen from the same phone line, if
Phone Connection, Handouts:
Handouts and a telephone call-in number will be
emailed to participants one day before the event.
CLE Credits:
This event is approved for 1.5 hours (90 minutes
instructional time) in Continuing Legal Education
(CLE) credits by the Louisiana MCLE Committee.
Check your state CLE rules to determine if they
will recognize these credits (e.g., the NY bar
recognizes Louisiana CLE credits; see
for details).
Funding of Assistive Technology through State
Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies
Program Objective:
Trainees will learn about the federal law,
regulations, and policy that govern the delivery
of services by state VR agencies. Trainees will
then be introduced to the specific provisions of
law, regulation and policy that govern the
approval of AT devices and services to allow an
individual with a disability to pursue a
vocational goal. Trainees will thereby be better
equipped to: counsel clients with disabilities
about the AT devices and services that may be
available to them from a state VR agency; and
represent clients at administrative hearings and
in litigation if a request for an AT device or
service is denied.
(A brief period for participant questions,
submitted to a designated email address, will be
provided at least twice during the presentation.)
The presenter(s) will explain the federal law
criteria, for funding AT, under Title I of the
Rehabilitation Act and its implementing
Available VR Agency Services, the Individualized
Plan of Employment (IPE)
The presenter(s) will review the services,
including AT, available through state VR agencies.
They will explain how AT devices and services are
defined and the criteria for approving them and
making them a part of an individual's IPE. They
will explain federal policy that would support a
"maximization of employment" standard for approval
of services and the limited success maximization
has had in the courts.
Financial Need Criteria and the Comparable
Services Requirement
The presenter(s) will review the core VR
services that may not be subject to financial need
and then discuss the wide range of services that
most state VR agencies can be expected to limit to
individuals who meet financial need criteria. The
presenter(s) will explain the special rules that
apply when an individual receives Social Security
or SSI disability benefits. They will also explain
the requirement that individuals seek out
"comparable services" or other payment sources for
the items they want funded.
Hearing and Appeal Rights
The presenter(s) will explain the rights of an
individual who is dissatisfied with a VR agency
decision, including the right to mediation, an
administrative hearing, and court review. They
will explain the obligations of the agency to
explain these rights in a written notice and the
right to seek assistance through the Client
Assistance Program in your state.
Time for Participant Questions
We will pause at least twice during the
presentation to take audience questions which have
been sent in through email. If time permits, we
will continue to take questions at the end of the
Registration Form
"Funding of Assistive Technology through State
Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies"
A Live Teleconference * December 18, 2013 *
2:00 - 3:45 Eastern Standard Time
Session is Free, But Registration is Required:
Continuing legal education (CLE) credits are also
free, but attorneys must be registered to obtain
CLE credits.
Please Email/Fax Registration (by 12/10/13 at 5:00
p.m. Eastern Time) to:
Lynn Urquhart * Neighborhood Legal Services,
Phone: (716) 847-0650 ext. 271 *
Fax: (716) 847-0227 *
lurquhart at nls.org <mailto:lurquhart at nls.org
Reasonable Accommodation Requests: (DEADLINE:
Reasonable Accommodation
Please list any attorneys who will need CLE
certificates (include e-mail addresses):
NOTE: Members of the Louisiana Bar are limited to
one CLE certificate per phone line unless an
attorney from the Advocacy Center is present.
Other Continuing Education Credits:
We will not have any additional accreditation but
can provide certificates of attendance if that
will help.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation
Services Administration Disclaimer:
The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
provides vocational rehabilitation (VR) program
stakeholders with a wide variety of information
from numerous public, private, and non-profit
sources in order to share emerging practices and
to promote the achievement of competitive
employment of individuals with disabilities. The
information and web sites originating from outside
of RSA are not subject to federal clearance, and
the contents do not necessarily represent the
policy of RSA. Endorsement by the federal
government should not be assumed.
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