[Colorado-talk] greeley chocolate bars.

melissa R green graduate56 at juno.com
Fri Dec 6 04:43:46 UTC 2013

Hello all.
two months ago at our state convention.
The nfb of greeley sold braille chocolate bars.
Many of you didn't get the chance to purchase any.
If you would like to purchase any.
email me at:
graduate56 at juno.com
with greeley chocolate bars in the subject line.
the chocolate bars have sayings on them in braille and print such as love 
you, happy holidays, merry christmas, thank you, have a nice day and happy 
they are homemade and we sell them for 4.00 dollars.
If we get enough orders we will arrange to get them to the center and then 
to the person.
flavors are: ment, peanut butter, vanilla, milk chocolate, and dark 
Other members please add flavors and sayings.
I know I am forgetting some of them.
remember to e-mail me at: graduate56 at juno.com
With your order in the body of the message and greeley chocolate bars in the 
subject line.
Thank you all for your support of the nfb of greeley.
Melissa Green and Pj
I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities. 

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