[Colorado-talk] Bus Transportation to Colorado Springs for State Convention and revised time for Thursday 10/29 events to 2:30pm

Lisa Bonderson lbonderson at cocenter.org
Mon Sep 21 20:41:19 UTC 2015


This message is to request your rsvp to ride the provided bus transportation down to Colorado Springs on 10/29 and 10/30.

At this time we have 2 buses scheduled to leave our Colorado Center for the Blind on Thursday 10/29 at 12:10. This means that you should plan on being to the CCB by about 11:30am and be ready to board at 11:45 for that 12:10 departure.

We need to know if anyone is interested in transportation on Friday morning.  This bus would leave at 7:00 am.  We haven't heard from many folks wanting to come down by provided transportation on Friday thus far, and if we don't have enough interest to fill a bus of some sort, we will not be able to justify that expense.  It is extremely important that you email me as soon as possible at lbonderson at cocenter.org<mailto:lbonderson at cocenter.org> and let me know which day you are planning to come down to Colorado Springs.  You can also call me at Scott's office at 303-504-5979 to inform me of your intentions.

We will have 2 buses leaving the Antlers Hilton on Sunday 11/1 around 12:30 or so, with one returning to the CCB and the other taking CCB students to the center's apartment complex.

Additionally, I need to amend the start times of the Sports & Recreation breakouts for Thursday 10/29.  The six various breakout sessions will begin at 2:30.  Team leaders request your presence between 2:00 and 2:15 to set up and get some basic orientation for the ensuing sessions.

Thanks much,

Lisa Bonderson
NFB of Colorado

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