[Colorado-talk] the concert

Beth Taurasi denverqueen1107 at comcast.net
Sat Feb 13 17:00:24 UTC 2016

Hey everyone, is there an address on that last email sent out about the 
concert? My forgetful self deleted that email but I just need a reminder 
of where the concert is and what have you. If I know, then I might be 
able to attend. For those who are probably not reading your emails 
anyhow, Henry Butler taught an old friend of mine music theory. I 
remember vaguely and somehow very sharply that this guy from Florida had 
attended a music camp, and Mr. Butler taught theory class at that camp. 
I had been to music camps before, but had never heard a blind jazz 
musician teach theory. I am a huge music theory nut too, I can also 
compose some good jazz too. So I think it would be who of me to actually 
attend said concert.

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