[Colorado-talk] Hear A Current CCB Student Perform And Relive The Magic Of The 2016 Showcase Of Talent From This Year's Convention

David Dunphy discoduck221 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 22:54:22 UTC 2016

Greetings All!
 Whether you attended this year's National Convention of The National
 Federation Of The Blind or not.
 Whether you attended the convention but missed this event
 Or whether you went to the convention and were there when the showcase
 of talent took place..
 You're invited to grab a meal, poor yourself your favorite beverage,
 and come relive the magic of the Performing Arts Division Of The
 National Federation Of The Blind's annual Showcase Of Talent, as it
 will be aired in full tonight starting at 7 PM eastern exclusively on
 KJSC Radio.
 During the show, you can...
 Hear some great songs and instrumental peaces performed by blind
 musicians and performers from all over the country.
 Meet our first circus clown.
 And find out why KJSC Radio had to save the day to keep the talent
 show from facing a sudden and terrible disaster.
 All of this and the great entertainment that comes with it all begins
 att 7 PM eastern on KJSC Radio.
 We won't be taking callers during this presentation, but you're
 welcome to tweet us about what you're hearing at
 using the hash tag

 If you have any comments on the performances, the presentation, or
 want to say anything during the show, you can also email me at
discoduck221 at gmail.com
 and to tune in, use one of the following methods:
 1. Search for KJSC Radio on Tunein.
 2. Listen from the Tunein web page directly at
 3. For additional listening options if the first two don't work, go to

 Thanks to Julie and the rest of the Performing Arts Division for
 letting us be part of this special night with you/!

 Please tell all your friends and feel free to relive the magic of the
 NFB16 Showcase Of Talent with us tonight!
 From David Dunphy

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