[Colorado-talk] RTD's Citizen Advisory Committee openings
Dan Burke
burke.dall at gmail.com
Fri Mar 4 23:09:09 UTC 2016
>From the following web page:
Call for Applications: Join the Citizens Advisory Committee
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Posted on 02.23.16
Residents of the eight-county Regional Transportation District who are
interested in public transit issues and community engagement are
encouraged to apply
for one of five vacancies on the
RTD Citizens Advisory Committee.
The 17-member citizens group has advised the agency on its
voter-approved FasTracks program for the past 10 years. The
committee's role has been recently
expanded to also advise RTD on its strategies and initiatives.
group start Passengers at the Colfax at Auraria light rail station
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RTD invites interested individuals to submit letters of application to
serve on the all-volunteer panel. Appointment is for a three-year
term, with an
opportunity for one reappointment thereafter.
"RTD is one of the premier transit agencies in the country and this is
an exciting time to be part of this organization and the impact it has
on the region,"
Bob Rizzuto, CAC co-chair, said. "We rely on informed citizens who can
join us to guide and provide advice to RTD. We want people who truly
want to make
a difference as we move forward."
CAC members represent a wide variety of backgrounds, interests and
professional experiences. The group's public outreach meetings keep
metro-area citizens
informed of FasTracks progress and RTD programs and encourage input
from local communities.
Individuals interested in applying for a position on the CAC should
email letters of interest to
Leesly.Leon at rtd-denver.com.
Letters must be received by the close of business on March 31, 2016,
and should include:
list of 3 items
• A brief statement of interest in serving on the committee
• Qualifications for serving on the CAC
• A résumé
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group start Members of the RTD Citizens Advisory Committee
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Appointments to the panel shall be made to ensure a broad
representation of stakeholder interests, to achieve diversity and to
provide geographical representation
within the district.
Selection criteria will include, but not be limited to, residency
within the RTD district; a demonstrated interest in public transit and
the FasTracks
program; previous community service; experience working with local
jurisdictions on regional issues; and professional expertise.
Expanded role
The CAC's expanded role is to:
list of 7 items
• Continue to monitor and provide input on the improvements for each
corridor in the FasTracks Plan.
• Become familiar with the District's strategic plan and long-term vision.
• Provide region-oriented advice to RTD regarding the implementation
of the strategic plan, its strategies and initiatives.
• Represent the citizen perspective on behalf of a wide range of
stakeholder interests and community organizations.
• Gather information from community members to share with the agency.
• Share information with community members to promote public awareness
of the agency's programs and projects.
• Other tasks as assigned by the RTD Board of Directors.
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For more information contact Roger Sherman at 303-592-5465.
Dan Burke
My Cell: 406.546.8546
Twitter: @DallDonal
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