[Colorado-talk] FW: News Alert: Senate releases health bill

Scott C. Labarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Thu Jun 22 16:05:32 UTC 2017

Hey folks, I echo Dan’s message and urge you to call Senator Gardner’s office.  Since Dan’s message, the bill has been released and you can read a copy of it by following the link provided by CNN.  As Julie points out in her article, it is Ronald Reagan who signed into law the Medicaid programs which signtificantly help many members of our community.  Reagan is the granddaddy of all Republicans.  I know some of you are a little nervous about calling a Senator’s office but there is nothing to worry about.  They will answer the phone, take down your message, and say thank you.  Just tell Senator Gardner to oppose this bill because it unfairly hurts people with disabilities.  Tell the receptionist that you are blind and a member of the NFB.  By the way, Colorado Congressman Mike Coffman, a Republican from my district, the 6th, voted against this bill when it was in the House.  So, Republicans can be convinced to say no.  Please call or email Gardner’s office today!!!!!!





From: CNN Breaking News [mailto:CNNBreakingNews at mail.cnn.com] 
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Subject: News Alert: Senate releases health bill


The closely guarded Senate health care bill written entirely behind closed doors has finally been revealed <http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/22/politics/senate-health-care-bill/index.html> , setting off a do-or-die moment for the Republican Party's winding efforts to repeal Obamacare.

The unveiling of the legislation marks the first time that the majority of the Senate GOP conference gets a comprehensive look at the health care proposal. With Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pressing ahead for a vote next week, senators are likely to have only a handful of days to decide whether to support or vote against the bill.

Read the full text of the legislation here <http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/22/politics/republican-health-care-bill-text/index.html> . 

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