[Colorado-talk] skype problems

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Sat Jun 24 07:46:17 UTC 2017

hello all, I hope that you are ll doing well... as the subject says it
all I just downloaded the latest version of Skype onto my laptop and,
I also downloaded the jfw scripts for it too. I'm using jfw 18. so,
here's my problems and, I need some help here. how do you go about in
Skype to add a concact? also, when a new contact wants to add you how
do you go about to do that?any help would be appreciated. my Skype
name is amazing.aim and, you can either call me at 303-588-7725 or you
can email me at amieelsabo at gmail.com    thanks a bunch and, I look
forward to hearing from you all soon!    hugs, amy

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