[Colorado-talk] FW: Red Rocks

Scott C. Labarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Fri Mar 24 12:51:54 UTC 2017

Please contact Amy with any input or info you might have about this,





From: Amy Robertson [mailto:arobertson at creeclaw.org] 
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 2:23 PM
To: State President, Colorado <slabarre at labarrelaw.com>
Cc: 'kwilliams at ccdconline.org' <kwilliams at ccdconline.org>; 'Alison Daniels'
<adaniels at disabilitylawco.org>; 'Jennifer Purrington'
<jpurrington at disabilitylawco.org>
Subject: Red Rocks


Hi, Scott - 


As you may know, we have filed a lawsuit against the City of Denver
concerning wheelchair seating at Red Rocks.  CREEC is co-counseling with
CCDC and Disability Law Colorado on this.  The lawsuit alleges that people
who use wheelchairs are unable to purchase seats in the first (accessible)
row because of scalping and other practices.  


Some of the solutions we are considering would affect seats in Row 2 of Red
Rocks, where 16 seats are "reserved for patrons who have low-vision, are
blind, deaf or hard of hearing."  For example, one possible solution would
attempt to avoid scalpers by requiring people who purchase tickets in the
first 3-4 rows to show an ID or credit card at the event.   Since this would
affect Row 2, we would like to hear from deaf, hard of hearing, blind, and
low vision individuals who are interested in this subject.  


Would you mind circulating this to NFB-CO and asking anyone with an interest
in this issue to contact me at arobertson at creeclaw.org
<mailto:arobertson at creeclaw.org>  ?  





-          Amy 


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