[Colorado-talk] The Vote on HB 1104

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 15:20:23 UTC 2018

Greetings all -

Below I've psted the list of how Colorado House members voted on
Tuesday, as some have been anxious to know. I was horrified to see
that Rep. Cole Wist, who represents the district that Julie and I live
in, voted "No". We didn't call him and the bill passed easily without
his vote, but I didn't do my work closest to home. Take a look for

Voted on: 3/20/2018 9:26:35 AM

Aye	47
No : 	14
Absent : 	0
Excused : 	3
Vacant : 	1

Member Name	Vote
Arndt	Y
Becker J.	E
Becker K.	Y
Beckman	Y
Benavidez	Y
Bridges	Y
Buck	N
Buckner	Y
Carver	N
Catlin	Y
Coleman	Y
Covarrubias	N
Danielson	Y
Esgar	Y
Everett	N
Exum	Y
Foote	E
Garnett	Y
Ginal	Y
Gray	Y
Hamner	Y
Hansen	Y
Herod	Y
Hooton	Y
Humphrey	N
Jackson	Y
Kennedy	Y
Kraft-Tharp	Y
Landgraf	Y
Lawrence	Y
District 34	V
Lee	Y
Leonard	N
Lewis	E
Liston	Y
Lontine	Y
Lundeen	Y
McKean	Y
McLachlan	Y
Melton	Y
Michaelson Jenet	Y
Neville P.	N
Pabon	Y
Pettersen	Y
Rankin	Y
Ransom	N
Reyher	N
Roberts	Y
Rosenthal	Y
Saine	N
Salazar	Y
Sandridge	N
Sias	Y
Singer	Y
Thurlow	Y
Valdez	Y
Van Winkle	N
Weissman	Y
Willett	Y
Williams D.	N
Wilson	Y
Winter	Y
Wist	N
Young	Y
Duran	Y

Dan Burke
President, NFB of Denver

"Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"
My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal

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