[Colorado-talk] H.B. 1104, alert, alert, alert, urgent, urgenturgent, NEED YOU TOMORROW!

Scott C. Labarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Wed Mar 28 22:52:13 UTC 2018

Hello Everyone, this afternoon, we just heard that H.B. 1104 will be up for
a hearing tomorrow, Thursday, before the Senate Health and Human Services
Committee at 1:30 pm.  I have conflicting information on which room.  It is
either SCR 354 or SCR 357.  All the Senate committee rooms are together on
the third floor of the Capitol and these rooms are very close to each other.
Once I confirm which it is, I will send out the info.  In any event, we need
everyone who can to attend.  Senators Moreno and Lambert are sponsoring this
in the Senate.  This is great because Moreno is a Democrat and Lambert a
Republican.  We will also circulate the names and contact info of the five
Senators who sit on this  committee so that you can call or email them
supporting H.B. 1104.  At short notice, I know it is tough for folks to
attend but you can call and email and I urge you to do so.




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