[Colorado-talk] Winner, Winner, Winner! Pizza and Pasta for Dinner

Kevan Worley Kevan at wefitwellness.com
Mon May 7 15:30:19 UTC 2018


Do you have the best sponsor idea? I have a $40 gift certificate for Romano's in Littleton. I am going to give it away. Send me contacts or ideas for potential race sponsors. Can you make an introduction? Do you have a brain storm? Can you make the ask? Send me your ideas and connections. I will judge the 5 best submissions. Those 5 go into a hat. I will then pick a winner at random. Deadline is Friday, May 11th at 5 p.m. Good luck.

At Your Service,
Kevan Worley
WE Fit Wellness(tm)
The Right Fit for Everyone
Accessible, Affordable, Achievable
Cell: 303-929-2369
Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/wefitwellness

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