[Colorado-talk] The Blind Coloradoan Blog

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 14:37:37 UTC 2018

Good Morning Blind Colorado!  It's Election Day 2018 and I still have
Lyft codes worth $15 that you can use to get to the polls today.
Frankly, if you voted at home with a sighted friend or family member,
you can use the code to take your ballot to the drop-off sites as
well,  because it's all done but the counting by 7 p.m. tonight!

Call me at 406-546-8546 or e-mail dburke at cocneter.org.  I need to
record the name of the person who uses the code, but then it's yours!


On 11/5/18, Kevan Worley via Colorado-Talk <colorado-talk at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Greetings Colleagues,
> Vote, vote, vote! Below and on NFB Newsline and on NFBCO Facebook you can
> learn about the measures being taken to better enable our blind brothers and
> sisters to vote. Did you also note that the resolutions from our 2018
> convention are on NFB Newsline. And, the Colorado Association of Blind
> Merchants and Wild West Chapter still have room at their annual Christmas
> party on Saturday evening, December 8th. Contact Brad Basta,
> bmfvend at yahoo.com<mailto:bmfvend at yahoo.com>.
> Vote, Vote, Vote
> National Federation of the Blind of Colorado, NFBCO, is assisting our NFB
> Jernigan Institute and Lyft with the #TheRideToVote campaign. If you need a
> $15 coupon through Lyft to get you to and from the polls you can get one by
> reaching out to your NFBCO chapter president or Dan Burke, 303-778-1130.
> And, don't forget your NFB Newsline has the Colorado Election Bluebook with
> analysis by legislative counsel. It is worth reading. So, read, ride, vote.
> The right to cast a private and independent vote is a human right. We
> obviously have some work to do to protect our rights. So, if you have been
> having trouble or if you had good experiences with the electronic voting
> booths in Colorado please be in contact with Dan Burke as well. Whatever you
> do please find a way to vote.
> Make sure everyone gets on Colorado Talk and encourage folks to follow us on
> Facebook.
> Until next time, over and out.
> At Your Service,
> [Kevan's signature]
> Kevan Worley
> Cell: 303-929-2369
> WE Fit Wellness
> The Right Fit for Everyone
> Accessible, Affordable, Achievable
> www.wefitwellness.com<http://www.wefitwellness.com/>
> Like us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/wefitwellness>!

Dan Burke
President, NFB of Denver

"Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"
My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal

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