[Colorado-talk] The Blind Coloradoan Blog

Kevan Worley Kevan at wefitwellness.com
Mon Nov 5 21:39:52 UTC 2018

Greetings Colleagues,

Vote, vote, vote! Below and on NFB Newsline and on NFBCO Facebook you can learn about the measures being taken to better enable our blind brothers and sisters to vote. Did you also note that the resolutions from our 2018 convention are on NFB Newsline. And, the Colorado Association of Blind Merchants and Wild West Chapter still have room at their annual Christmas party on Saturday evening, December 8th. Contact Brad Basta, bmfvend at yahoo.com<mailto:bmfvend at yahoo.com>.
Vote, Vote, Vote
National Federation of the Blind of Colorado, NFBCO, is assisting our NFB Jernigan Institute and Lyft with the #TheRideToVote campaign. If you need a $15 coupon through Lyft to get you to and from the polls you can get one by reaching out to your NFBCO chapter president or Dan Burke, 303-778-1130. And, don't forget your NFB Newsline has the Colorado Election Bluebook with analysis by legislative counsel. It is worth reading. So, read, ride, vote.
The right to cast a private and independent vote is a human right. We obviously have some work to do to protect our rights. So, if you have been having trouble or if you had good experiences with the electronic voting booths in Colorado please be in contact with Dan Burke as well. Whatever you do please find a way to vote.

Make sure everyone gets on Colorado Talk and encourage folks to follow us on Facebook.

Until next time, over and out.

At Your Service,
[Kevan's signature]
Kevan Worley
Cell: 303-929-2369
WE Fit Wellness
The Right Fit for Everyone
Accessible, Affordable, Achievable
Like us on Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/wefitwellness>!

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