[Colorado-talk] Facebook group and dog food

Doula Jarboe doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 03:52:28 UTC 2018

Hi Everyone,
 Sorry I missed the conference call earlier this evening. I had a
prior commitment that was going to be either at 5 or 6 and it ended up
being at 5. So I'm not sure if Melissa mentioned or not that we have a
Facebook group. It's called NFB Colorado guide dog users I think. If
you want me to invite you, you'll have to be friends with me on
Facebook. My name on there is Doula Beach Jarboe. Or you can ask to be
added, and I can approve you. I'd love to see some discussion activity
there. I have a quick curiosity question. Has anyone tried homemade
dog food for your dogs? My guide dog Domino just got over a really bad
ear infection. One of the foods I was feeding her had a lot of
ingredients that could cause allergies. The other food I feed her, not
so much. So I'm switching her to just the second food. But while I was
doing research, I decided to try adding in some home made food as
well. So far it seems to be going well, and all three of our dogs love
it. I'm looking forward to seeing many of you at state convention.

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