[Colorado-talk] Bring Your Old Canes to Convention

Dan Burke burke.dall at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 20:11:14 UTC 2018

posted on behalf of Charles Bennett, CCB Cane Travel Instructor. He'll
be collecting canes at our NFBCO convention next week:

You Cane Give Initiative
Wondering what to do with that old cane you no longer use in the
closet? Is that drawer of used canes collecting dust and taking up
space? Donate your old canes to the “You Cane Give” program. We are
collecting donated canes to refurbish and send to individuals who are
blind and visually impaired around the world. Let’s face it, we have
it good in America. With the click of a button, we can order almost
anything we need, including a cane. In countries like Mexico, China,
India, and South Africa, people do not have access to the proper tools
to empower independence and success. Do not let your canes go to
waste!  “You Cane Give” allows you to help us give your used cane to a
person far away who needs it!
James Boehm recently spoke with a representative of the South African
Council for The Blind. He was given a much deeper perspective.
Initially, our focus was on empowering the blind, changing
stereotypes, and equipping for equality and independence. But we
realized that it is so much more than that. “Blind people are actually
losing their lives,” he said. He shared four instances, within the
past year, where blind individuals or families, without a cane,
thought they were at an appropriate intersection and were safe. The
people attempted to cross the street and were killed. The South
African government provides $100/month for the disabled to cover
monthly living expenses; a mobility cane costs $50. Imagine, if you
had a monthly income of $2,000, a cane would then cost about $1,000.
You Cane Give not only empowers the lives of the blind, but it also
saves lives. We are in need of canes in all sizes. We are able to send
folding canes overseas, but straight canes can be donated to
individuals within the United States. We have contacts in Peru,
Nigeria, the Philippines, and South Africa wishing for a cane of their
own. Our state convention is a great opportunity to throw used canes
into your suitcase. If you donate a cane, your name will be entered
for a prize drawing, as a thank you! Bring your donated canes or tips
to the You Cane Give designated table.  Thank you so much!! We
appreciate your generosity!
-      James and Wendy Boehm, founders of You Cane Give

Email: youcanegive at gmail.com
Also, here is our Facebook page:
Cell phone for James Boehm:
Check out our Youtube video at:

Dan Burke
President, NFB of Denver

"Blindness is not what holds you back.  You can live the life you want!"
My Cell:  406.546.8546
Twitter:  @DallDonal

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