[Colorado-Talk] Fwd: Scooter Rules
Gary Van Dorn
garyvdrn at msn.com
Tue Jul 23 10:36:04 UTC 2019
Please see the below email. We voted upon Resolution 2019-13 at National Convention concerning this issue.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jaime Lewis <jlewis at ccdconline.org<mailto:jlewis at ccdconline.org>>
Subject: Scooter Rules
Date: 22 July 2019 at 11:58:56 MDT
To: Jamie Perkins <perkins.ja at gmail.com<mailto:perkins.ja at gmail.com>>, "Amanda.Suriano" <Amanda.Suriano at denvergov.org<mailto:Amanda.Suriano at denvergov.org>>, "Niemela, Dana L - HS Office of Community Impact" <Dana.Niemela at denvergov.org<mailto:Dana.Niemela at denvergov.org>>, ahanco <ahanco at denverhousing.org<mailto:ahanco at denverhousing.org>>, "Nicole M. Adante" <nadante at myinnovage.org<mailto:nadante at myinnovage.org>>, Carol Buchanan <cbuchanan at drmac-co.org<mailto:cbuchanan at drmac-co.org>>, Stuart <stuart at transolutions.org<mailto:stuart at transolutions.org>>, "Rey, Roberto" <RRey at aarp.org<mailto:RRey at aarp.org>>, Tucker Lundy <stewarttuckerlundy at gmail.com<mailto:stewarttuckerlundy at gmail.com>>, "eugene.howard" <eugene.howard at denvergov.org<mailto:eugene.howard at denvergov.org>>, "From: Christina Davis" <christina at allthecomfortofhome.net<mailto:christina at allthecomfortofhome.net>>, "stephen.rijo" <stephen.rijo at denvergov.org<mailto:stephen.rijo at denvergov.org>>, "moira.moon" <moira.moon at state.co.us<mailto:moira.moon at state.co.us>>, lfabian <lfabian at transolutions.org<mailto:lfabian at transolutions.org>>, Jill Locantore <jill.locantore at walkdenver.org<mailto:jill.locantore at walkdenver.org>>, Jenee Donelson <jenee at 9to5.org<mailto:jenee at 9to5.org>>, Krystin Trustman <kbtrustman at yahoo.com<mailto:kbtrustman at yahoo.com>>, "Becker, Jeff" <jeff.becker at rtd-denver.com<mailto:jeff.becker at rtd-denver.com>>, Daryl Kinton <darylkinton at hotmail.com<mailto:darylkinton at hotmail.com>>, Gary Van Dorn <garyvdrn at msn.com<mailto:garyvdrn at msn.com>>, Danelle Young <danelleyoung at comcast.net<mailto:danelleyoung at comcast.net>>, fburruss <fburruss at transolutions.org<mailto:fburruss at transolutions.org>>, apatel at downtowndenver.com<mailto:apatel at downtowndenver.com>, kathy.crusan-ford at denvergov.org<mailto:kathy.crusan-ford at denvergov.org>, Donna Garnett <donnagarnett50 at gmail.com<mailto:donnagarnett50 at gmail.com>>, owlfinch39 at yahoo.com<mailto:owlfinch39 at yahoo.com>, dan.french at rtd-denver.com<mailto:dan.french at rtd-denver.com>, Robbie Roppolo <robbie at atlantiscommunity.org<mailto:robbie at atlantiscommunity.org>>, Candie Dalton <candie at atlantiscommunity.org<mailto:candie at atlantiscommunity.org>>, "V. Stovall" <vs80204 at gmail.com<mailto:vs80204 at gmail.com>>, adelpo at denverlibrary.org<mailto:adelpo at denverlibrary.org>, Hank Braaksma <hbraaksma at srcaging.org<mailto:hbraaksma at srcaging.org>>, Forrest M <frmwheeler at gmail.com<mailto:frmwheeler at gmail.com>>, Jaime Lewis <jlewis at ccdconline.org<mailto:jlewis at ccdconline.org>>, joel <joel at joelnoble.net<mailto:joel at joelnoble.net>>, mbarringer at viacolorado.org<mailto:mbarringer at viacolorado.org>, jtmconsult at me.com<mailto:jtmconsult at me.com>, marvyn.allen at denvergov.org<mailto:marvyn.allen at denvergov.org>, "Gilbert, Kayla M. - DEH Pgm Admin" <Kayla.Gilbert at denvergov.org<mailto:Kayla.Gilbert at denvergov.org>>, "Prillwitz - CDOT, Jeffrey" <Jeffrey.prillwitz at state.co.us<mailto:Jeffrey.prillwitz at state.co.us>>, keena.davis at state.co.us<mailto:keena.davis at state.co.us>, Brent Bel <brentbel at aol.com<mailto:brentbel at aol.com>>, Jarett Hughes <jarettbhughes at gmail.com<mailto:jarettbhughes at gmail.com>>, West Corridor <mike at westcorridor.org<mailto:mike at westcorridor.org>>, Kate Williams <kwilliams at drmac-co.org<mailto:kwilliams at drmac-co.org>>, Heather Kamper <hkamper at drcog.org<mailto:hkamper at drcog.org>>, "Nesbitt, Kaia" <Kaia.Nesbitt at hdrinc.com<mailto:Kaia.Nesbitt at hdrinc.com>>, Susan Unger <sunger at viacolorado.org<mailto:sunger at viacolorado.org>>, transportation at rmhumanservices.org<mailto:transportation at rmhumanservices.org>, Natalie Wright <nmwright17 at gmail.com<mailto:nmwright17 at gmail.com>>, Dawn Howard <Dhoward at ccdconline.org<mailto:Dhoward at ccdconline.org>>
Reply-To: jlewis at ccdconline.org<mailto:jlewis at ccdconline.org>
Scooter Rules
The City of Denver will be finalizing rules for use of scooters. The Denver Streets Partnership will be discussing changes at its next Steering Committee on August 2, 2019. I would like to provide an opportunity for you to share your ideas, concerns, or recommendations to be discussed at this meeting. For example, one of my concerns is that these scooters have no identifications like a number. Recently, my neighbor who is 70 years old was struck by a scooter. The rider just looked at her then decided to move on without assisting her. She sustained bruised ribs. If she was able to identify a number on the scooter it would have been a lot easier to track down this scooter and the user that was using it at the time.
Please share with me by Friday the 26th.
Jaime Lewis
DRMAC/CCDC Transit Advisor
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