[Colorado-talk] job opporunities

Amy Sabo amieelsabo at gmail.com
Tue May 21 02:36:17 UTC 2019

hello all,
I hope that everyone is doing well this evening. well, I thought that
I might be moving to ny in the near future but, due to personal
circumstances in my life that's not in the future. I have used dvr
and, a agency in contract with them and, I only got to do some
internships but, no employment.

I was wondering if anyone in the Denver area if you know of anyone or
not is looking for and, if I could send to them my cover letter or
resume in the fields of pr in either nonprofit/disability work or in
media relations with a empjhasis in internet radio or radio as well
too! iam also in the look for employment also in the field of
assistive technology too. if anyone knows of these fields or can
forward my information onto these fields please let me know by
emailing me off list at
amieelsabo at gmail.com

thank you for your time and, I look forward to hearing from you all soon!

amy sabo

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