[Colorado-Talk] The Diversity and Inclusion Committee Needs your help

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 23:24:25 UTC 2020

Federation family,
 The diversity and inclusion  committee is hard at work building content to continue the conversation around diversity and inclusion in our affiliate.
 We are  asking for input from you.  What are the  areas where you think we  as an affiliate can strengthen diversity? Be it activities, programs, publications, etc.
Where in our affiliate’s work  can we put fourth a concerted effort to  create more inclusive spaces?     
Where do you think we really do well to be  inclusive of all our members?  Where do you really notice diversity taking center stage in our affiliate?
  Remember, diversity is wide-ranging  and inclusion brings all that which is wide-ranging together, so if you think  it might fit, then please share it.
 Please send a direct  email to dsmithnfb at gmail.com.
Recognizing the importance  the ask and the sensitivity of the subject, I ask that responses be sent to dsmithnfb at gmail.com as opposed to the list serve, this way we can  insure your words are heard and your truth helps us make our affiliate better for each of us and all of us.
  Darian Smith
 Chairperson - Diversity and   Inclusion Committee - NFBCO   

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