[Colorado-Talk] NFBCO Committees

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Wed Feb 19 19:22:47 UTC 2020

Greetings everyone:


I hope all of you are enjoying Winter or at least putting up with it.  In
any event, I write you today about NFBCO committees.  The NFBCO Board has
established a number of committees to help us get our work done.  Below I
have identified several of these committees and encourage folks to apply to
be active in one   or more of these committees.  If you are interested,
please send us a message indicating which committee/committees in which you
are interested.  Also, please tell us in a sentence or two why you are
applying for a particular committee.  We cannot guarantee that everyone will
get their first choice.  We need to limit the size of some of these
committees so that they can remain effective.  Please email Lisa with your
interests at:


lkb at labarrelaw.com <mailto:lkb at labarrelaw.com> 


I ask that you apply for committee service by February 28th.






Legislative Affairs Committee


This committee will advocate for both state and federal legislation being
pursued by the Federation.



Transportation Affairs Committee


This committee will examine all aspects of transportation for blind people
throughout our state.



Fund Raising Exploratory Committee


This committee will examine and implement new fund raisers for the NFB of



Recruiting Organizing and Development


This Committee will recruit  new members to the NFB of Colorado, organize
new chapters, and  develop existing chapters.



Membership Onboarding and Outreach Project  

After we have recruited new members, this committee will help formally
onboard new members using the new membership process established by our
national organization.  Additionally, this committee will continue outreach
efforts to new members in an effort to sustain their membership.



Member Advocacy Committee


This committee will train our members  on how to advocate for themselves in
a variety of settings such as vocational rehabilitation, IEP's etc.  









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