[Colorado-Talk] Missouri Avenue, Christ revealed

Mustafa Almahdy professional.debater2020 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 19:53:15 UTC 2020

Hello, this is Mustafa and I am interested to speak to you folks about
your faith. I would like to start with basic elements. Although the
tale of Adam and Eve in Eden  is initially mentioned in Genesis, the
current concept of Original Sin as known by Christians nowadays and
yesterday has been initially and essentially developed by Saul of
Tarsus whom Christians generically refer to as, Saint Paul. This
concept is basically the backbone of Christian faith as we know it
today. Unlike the Koran, the Bible is thought to be majorly parted to
Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testament, God is clearly one and
such concepts of Jesus being divine, the Trinity etc, haven’t been
mentioned there. True, Christian apologists unsuccessfully attempt to
strangely interpret things like, let’s make man in our immage and so
on, still, that doesn’t explicitly speak of what has been later
inserted by Paul and other authors. There are 29 verse of Jesus
praying throughout the parables. I just don’t know folks, where could
I go with Luke 6:12 as it says: “It was at this time that He went off
to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to
God.” How could he be divine afterward? How are you folks able to
intently dispose of such plain evidence and falsely  stick to what is
implicitly construed? It is quite odd for me to be deceitful of myself
as such. Jesus has been plainly portrayed as someone who devotes
himself to submit in full recognition and obeisance to Allah glory be
to Him. Had he been divine, he would have not demanded to implore onto
the most High. At his time of cataclysm, he prayed onto his Lord to
help him. In Matthew 26:39, it says: “And He went a little beyond
them, and fell on His face and prayed, saying, "My Father, if it is
possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You
will." Is this the disposal of an exalted being? Muslims therefore
believe, that Jesus, peace be upon him was sent to people by God to
deliver His message to them. That was the same mission of Moses,
David, Solomon, John, Zechariah, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob
and so on. Implicit in that, Islam is the religion of all those
prophets, as they have been sealed by Muhammad, peace and blessings be
upon him. In Islam, God doesn’t need someone to die on the Cross to
forgive us. He glory be to Him is providentially Omnipotent  and
eminently Self-sufficient to do so. The Christian concept of
redemption is intellectually purblind. As plainly stated in the
parables, Jesus has unappeasably implored to God in seclusion. That’s
the common temperament of the pious. He thence couldn’t be worshipping
and being worshipped simultaneously. I urge you folks to seek the
truth and deferentially comply to it. Despite the consequences, truth
is loud and worthy to be unconditionally consecrated. Let us just be
impartial as we view such critical matters. I sternly urge you to
substantially reassess and redress your theological belief. Basically,
everything you hold up to is invented by Saul, the former Jewish
persecutor of Christ’s actual disciples. Someone has just to be an oaf
and a moron to allegedly entrust Saul of Tarsus, this awful ratter,
kidder, slicker and immense chiseller. I can see how and why you might
had felt outraged. Nonetheless, it isn’t my destined intent to provoke
your offence. Basically, I have been demanded by some to read the
Bible. Well, after I read its whole books and chapters couple of
times, I caught the main theme and its obviously contradicting
narrative. I haven’t done so because I am anxious or tentative about
Islam. I was just kind of curious and, theology in genral is
concurrently my major and passion. I therefore am quite settled
regarding my convictions of Islam being the true and uniquely proper
faith. I am scholarly motivated. I thence have noticed and kind of
disliked how missionary activists tend to approach incompetent Muslim
individuals and unethically pose misconceptions to them. Why do you
deliberately evade confronting those of adequate status in the field?
Aren’t you confident enough about your disposition? Ultimately, up
until now, you all are shamefully paltering about the alleged
proclamation of Christ’s deification in the scripture. Throughout the
four Gospels, Jesus never explicitly, declared his divinity. To the
contrary though, he has constantly attributed primacy and exhibited
full submission and obedience to the Father, in other word, God in
Jewish traditional terms. John 11:41-42, “So they took away the stone.
Then Jesus looked up and said, "Father, I thank you that you have
heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this
for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe
that you sent me.” So, had he been truly divine, he would have
straightly said, I am God incarnate, as Christians claim. So, we’re
addressing here a crucial factor. Christians allegedly assert that
Jesus claimed to be God. I say fine, where is that in the Bible? They
then either quote sayings of Jesus that are implicit, in other words,
competent of being broadly interpreted and discerned or, rely on what
has been said by this liar, Paul. The latter is conspicuously
notorious of being the primal persecutor of Christ’s actual disciples.
All of a sudden, on his way to Damascus, he allegedly had a vision
whereas Jesus has eh, appeared to him. Is that a credible figure for
you? I noticed that some of you assume that prophet Muhammad, peace
and blessings be upon him has lied about God. Well, I tell you this,
inevitably, all Hadith, which is a tradition based on reports of the
sayings and activities of prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon
him, his companions and their apprentices, known terminologically as
the followers, is essentially grounded on immense integrity, relevance
and high application of morality. So, someone who relates something
about the prophet, his companions or even the generation after them
has to be trustworthy, accurate, credible, and of eminent excellence.
Is any of that applied to the path which through the Bible has been
transmitted? So for instance, this man Mark, what is his full name? We
knew the proper biographical record of the leastwise of any vector in
a chain of reporters that pertained to any Hadith. His birth,
upbringing, his teachers, reputation, reliance and even his death date
and region. Do you know the full biography of Luke? The process of the
two texts is substantially different. I wish to see someone with
sufficient courage to tackle this challenging concern. Look everyone,
I knew all about this. All converts to Christianity are doing so for
immigration, visa issuance and permanent residence purposes. For them,
the States is a final destination. Nonetheless, as of myself, I am of
different disposal. I wish to make you bear witness against yourselves
for intently disposing those of sufficient adequacy and seeking to
raptly pick out people of zero caveat and of extreme poverty and
ignorance to gradually proselytise to them. This constantly occur in
majorly developing nations and refugee camps. It troubles me indeed,
seeing bungling individuals poorly taken advantage of as such. I
sternly look forward to someone of the missionary or the pastoral
arena responding to this sort of allegation I am afraid. Neglecting me
though, shall make this accusatory proposition more firm and
confirmed. Let us be honest and plain. I unfortunately have wholly
exposed evangelist’s vicious shenanigan. Some may go to college campus
and opt Muslim students who are not sufficiently aware of theological
matters to pose misconceptions to them. These detrimental notions are
often affiliated with racial disparity. Well, such as, what brought
you here? Go back to your country and so on. Calling a Church the
white flag reflects this intrinsical assumption of allegedly favouring
Caucasian race. Hasn’t it been essentially based on superiority
complex of their own complexion, they would have not been so
denotative. I delt for awhile with southern Christians. Thus,  I knew
what I am talking about. They measuredly derogate those of darker
complexion. This ethical scandal is broadly known about them. That’s
why they fond Trump, despite his evil character. I respectfully demand
you folks to confront me. Whether the ranking staff of Alpha and Omega
or the White Flag, you both are mutually addressed with this strident
rhetoric. I challenge you to show me in the whole Bible, just one
statement, clearly uttered on the lips of Jesus Christ, openly
demanding divinity. I urge you to look for this in the whole scripture
and it won’t ever be found, basically because, it just doesn’t exist.
If I ever caught this as described above, I shall then be christened
instantly. What does Matthew 14:23 say? “After he had dismissed them,
he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. When evening came, he
was there alone.” Honestly, is that the disposal of someone with
divine nature? With this  criticising rhetoric, I address someone’s
basic intellect. Obviously, Jesus ate, slept and prayed. With this in
mind, how could he be divine then? Well, it was in the fourth
ecumenical council of Chalcedon, when the Hypostatic union doctrine
has been ultimately professed. This is an essential factor to think
of. Typically, people of pastoral devotion tend to intently evade
conversing about such subjects. Basically, these philosophical
discernments have appeared later in Christian theological history.
Well, common pastors etc won’t admit that. They will simply attempt to
palter. Well, that’s the problem, they don’t want to admit their
absolute failure on that regard. I therefore call pastors truth
avoiders. They deliberately mislead their audience. In order to attain
their religious objective of converting mortals, they tend to deceive,
evade and prettify. Jesus is plainly divulged in the parables.
Throughout them, he never expressed divinity of himself. Not once
folks, not once. Well, how is that conveniently disposed? I honestly
don’t know, how are they capable of reposing their conscience as such?
Each and every wording spoken by Jesus confirms the fact that he is a
prophet of God. He certainly has spoken with divine inspiration rather
than essence. Well I hope after this lengthy demonstration, I’ll be
confronted by someone who has sufficient courage and proper knowledge
to deeply converse with me concerning what I proposed. This is
theologian Mustafa from Cairo Egypt. I keenly look forward to hearing
from someone with deferent characteristics to thoroughly speak with.

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