[Colorado-Talk] FW: Reminder NFB-NEWSLINE survey ends tomorrow and Convention Registration Closes Next Week

Scott C. LaBarre slabarre at labarrelaw.com
Tue Jun 9 15:19:59 UTC 2020

Good Morning Colorado!!  


I wanted to share Scott White's message and urge everyone to fill out the
survey.  We literally want everyone to do it whether you subscribe to
Newsline or not.  In addition to gathering information about how people use
Newsline, we want to know how people access their news more broadly.  The
survey ends tomorrow.  So rush to the URL that Scott provides below.


Also, National Convention registration ends on Monday June 15.  If you
haven't already, Register, register, register, register!!!  Currently,
Colorado has registered 145 folks, and I am confident that we can clear 200,
250, 300.  I looked at the list this morning, and there are all kinds of
names I don't see on there yet.  Remember registration is free this year!!
And if you don't register, you won't have a shot at winning some tremendous
door prizes like oodles of cash and/or cash equivalents.  


Top of the Rocky Mountains to ya!!




From: Scott White <swhite at nfb.org> 
Sent: None
To: Scott LaBarre <slabarre at labarrelaw.com>
Subject: Reminder NFB-NEWSLINE survey ends tomorrow


As part of our effort to optimize the NFB-NEWSLINE service, the National
Federation of the Blind is partnering with Deloitte Consulting LLP to gather
insights from subscribers on their preferences for accessing news media.

It would be very helpful if you would consider taking a brief ten-minute
survey on your media consumption and use of NFB-NEWSLINE. All responses will
remain anonymous, and no Personally Identifiable Information will be
collected unless you voluntarily provide it. Access the survey at:


The survey will be open through Wednesday, June 10, 2020.

National Federation of the Blind | nfb.org | 866-504-7300 |
nfbnewsline at nfb.org <mailto:nfbnewsline at nfb.org> 

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