[Colorado-Talk] A Definition of Blindness

Darian Smith dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Fri May 15 00:35:32 UTC 2020

Hi all,
 Kevan’s announcement got me thinking and my thinking got me to  reading a speech which was given by Dr. Jernigan some years ago.
 , As many here probably know, Dr Jernigan was president of the National Federation of the Blind for a little under 20 years. 
  Kevan also referenced  what might be his most popular speech in “The Nature Of Independence” which is a wonderful read.
 The one I was just reading was “A Definition Of Blindness”.
 The speech was reprinted in a 2005 issue of future  reflections and the link to the issue  which leads off with the Dr. Jernigan article can be found below.
 If you have  the time, take a moment and read the speech.  If you really want to, check out the rest of the  issue. It was really enjoyable and speaks to a diverse array of  experiences around, well, a definition of blindness.
 Have a great evening,
  Darian      .

> https://www.nfb.org/sites/www.nfb.org/files/images/nfb/publications/fr/fr19/fr05si03.htm <https://www.nfb.org/sites/www.nfb.org/files/images/nfb/publications/fr/fr19/fr05si03.htm>
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