[Colorado-Talk] Minutes for the new year of 1930
Peggy Chong
chongpeggy10 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 19 18:00:07 UTC 2021
Good Day to all:
We are still working on the transcription of old minutes but thought you all
might like to read one or two. Here is the January 1930 minutes. The
depression had just begun. The minutes indicate priorities for the year.
Although there is no mention of it in these minutes, the organization had in
its offices, non-parishable food and a clothes closet for members to come
when they did not have enough. You will note that Mr. Wong had money held
in trust for him. The organization served as a "bank account" for members
hard on their luck. You can see the appointment of the "Mexican" committee
headed by one of our Hispanic members. We were a diverse organization back
then in many ways.
Here are the minutes for your enjoyment.
Peggy and Julie
[Handwritten Minutes of the United Workers for the Blind]
Directors meeting called to order on Wed. Jan 1, 1930 at 10 a.m. at 415 17th
St. Pres. Wilcox presiding. First order of business was the roll call,
following members present: Pres. Wilcox, Oliver M. Comer, Albert J. Gunlin,
Lute H. Johnson, Harry B. Petrie, Archie Richardson, and Mr. A. U. Mayfield
came in late. The minutes of the previous meeting was then in order, and was
ordered approved as read. The financial statement for the month was then
read, which showed a bank balance on Jan 1, 1930 of $1,020.77. The report
was ordered accepted as read. Next order of business was reading of
communications and under this head, a letter of acknowledgement, compiled by
Pres. Wilcox, and addressed to our friends, under date of Dec. 26, 1929 was
then read, a copy of which was ordered placed on file. A letter, from
Senator Phipps, was then read, and ordered placed on file. A total audit to
date showed a cost of $38.00 to the Association. Pres. Wilcox reported the
receipt of the $500.00 from the A. V. Hunter estate. Pres. Wilcox reported
receiving $65.00 from Colonel Larson, for Chas. Wong to be held in trust by
the United Workers for the Blind, and to be given to Mr. Wong at his request
when needed. All bills of the Association up to Jan 1, 1930 have been paid.
It was regularly moved and seconded that Pres. Wilcox be authorized to buy
tramway fares to be given to the needy members as the president sees fit.
Under the head of new business, was the election of officers for the coming
year. Pres. Wilcox was then nominated for President, the nomination was
seconded by Mr. Gunlin and Mr. Petrie, there being no further nominations it
was ordered that Pres. Wilcox be elected by acclamation. Mr. A. U Mayfield
was nominated as Vice President, there being no further nominations it was
ordered that Mr. Mayfield be also elected by acclamation. The next
nomination was that of secretary, Mr. Chas. B. Young was then nominated,
there being no further nominations, it was ordered that Mr. Young be elected
by acclamation. The next was that of assistant secretary Miss Greta Williams
was then nominated, there being no further nominations, Miss Williams was
elected by acclamation. Pres. Wilcox then announced the chairmen of his
committees, for the forthcoming year as follows: Finance, Lute Johnson;
Legislative, George B. Fisher; Membership, Harry. B Petrie; Entertainment,
Archie J. Richardson; Emergency, O. M. Comer; Blind Home, A. H. Sims;
Industrial Workshop, Chas. Lindquist; Publicity, Greta Williams. Mexican
Welfare, Patricia Trujillo. Pres. Wilcox then announced the change of the
entertainment dates of the Public Service Hall to the 3rd Saturday night of
each calendar month. The president announced that we were no longer
considered one of the Chest agencies. The appointment of a new chaplain for
1930 was left to the president. Pres. Wilcox stated that he would receive no
salary from the Association, until such a time as the Association was in
such a financial condition to pay a salary. Sec. Young also announced that
he would take a cut in salary, from $100.00 a year to $80.00 per year. Pres.
Wilcox stated that the office of the Association needed a new typewriter and
that he had investigated and found that he could secure one for $20.00. It
was regularly moved and seconded, that Pres. Wilcox purchase said typewriter
at a cost of $20.00. Motion carried. The president then announced that the
next entertainment would be held on Jan. 18, 1930, and furnished by The Good
Fellows. No further business appearing before the meeting. Meeting adjourned
at 11:50 a.m.
Chas. B. Young (Sect)
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