[Colorado-Talk] Fwd: Play

Gary Van Dorn garyvdrn at msn.com
Tue Jul 27 13:08:12 UTC 2021

I received the below email with information on an upcoming play.  I attached a newer version of the below Word document.  This version I attached passes accessibility checks.  I cannot find a way on my Mac to immediately check for alt text on the below graphic.  The graphic shows the title of the play “Three Viewings by Jeffrey Hatcher” and a ghostly image of a face.  There is also text in the lower right corner I cannot read since it is blurry to my eye.

Mr. Chong, I will research how to add alt text to photos in Mail using my Mac.  I may need to reach out for your assistance.


Begin forwarded message:

From: Jaime Lewis <jlewis at ccdconline.org<mailto:jlewis at ccdconline.org>>
Subject: Play
Date: 26 July 2021 at 11:48:31 MDT
To: "Bond, Angel" <abond at bouldercounty.org<mailto:abond at bouldercounty.org>>, "Hillyer, Anne" <anne.hillyer at rtd-denver.com<mailto:anne.hillyer at rtd-denver.com>>, Andrew Montoya <amontoya at ccdconline.org<mailto:amontoya at ccdconline.org>>, amy at denverstreetspartnership.org<mailto:amy at denverstreetspartnership.org>, "Rousseau, Aisha E. - Human Rights/Community Partner" <Aisha.Rousseau at denvergov.org<mailto:Aisha.Rousseau at denvergov.org>>, "Gilbert, Kayla M. - DEH Pgm Admin" <Kayla.Gilbert at denvergov.org<mailto:Kayla.Gilbert at denvergov.org>>, Carol Buchanan <cbuchanan at drmac-co.org<mailto:cbuchanan at drmac-co.org>>, "Buter, Larry" <Larry.Buter at rtd-denver.com<mailto:Larry.Buter at rtd-denver.com>>, Nicole Bishop <nbishop86 at gmail.com<mailto:nbishop86 at gmail.com>>, Brenda Mosby <Brenda at teameei.org<mailto:Brenda at teameei.org>>, Kyle Bradell <kyle.bradell at gmail.com<mailto:kyle.bradell at gmail.com>>, "Hinds, Chris - CC Member District 10 Denver City Council" <chris.hinds at denvergov.org<mailto:chris.hinds at denvergov.org>>, "Earl Lee (lee.earl1 at gmail.com<mailto:lee.earl1 at gmail.com>)" <lee.earl1 at gmail.com<mailto:lee.earl1 at gmail.com>>, Dawn Russell <cdawnrussell1965 at gmail.com<mailto:cdawnrussell1965 at gmail.com>>, Candie Dalton <candie at atlantiscommunity.org<mailto:candie at atlantiscommunity.org>>, Kara Gillon <ccdclpa at ccdconline.org<mailto:ccdclpa at ccdconline.org>>, Deya Zavala <dzavala at milehighconnects.org<mailto:dzavala at milehighconnects.org>>, Gary Van Dorn <garyvdrn at msn.com<mailto:garyvdrn at msn.com>>, Dawn Howard <Dhoward at ccdconline.org<mailto:Dhoward at ccdconline.org>>, Donna Sablan <dsablan at ccdconline.org<mailto:dsablan at ccdconline.org>>, Danny Katz <danny at copirg.org<mailto:danny at copirg.org>>, Emily Kleinfelter <emily at denverstreetspartnership.org<mailto:emily at denverstreetspartnership.org>>, Jody Erikson <jody at jseassociates.com<mailto:jody at jseassociates.com>>, Frank Kane <tfrankiii at msn.com<mailto:tfrankiii at msn.com>>, Matt Frommer <mfrommer at swenergy.org<mailto:mfrommer at swenergy.org>>, Christine Fiedler <cfiedler at ccdconline.org<mailto:cfiedler at ccdconline.org>>, "Worthen, Fred" <fred.worthen at rtd-denver.com<mailto:fred.worthen at rtd-denver.com>>, Frank Locantore <frank at colfaxave.com<mailto:frank at colfaxave.com>>, Denver Fox <dnvrfox at aol.com<mailto:dnvrfox at aol.com>>, Luke Ilderton <lilderton at energyoutreach.org<mailto:lilderton at energyoutreach.org>>, "Reiskin, Julie" <jreiskin at ccdconline.org<mailto:jreiskin at ccdconline.org>>, Jill Locantore <jill at denverstreetspartnership.org<mailto:jill at denverstreetspartnership.org>>, Jose Torres-Vega <jtvega at ccdconline.org<mailto:jtvega at ccdconline.org>>, Joe <j_beaver at comcast.net<mailto:j_beaver at comcast.net>>, james at denverstreetspartnership.org<mailto:james at denverstreetspartnership.org>, Krystin Trustman <kbtrustman at yahoo.com<mailto:kbtrustman at yahoo.com>>, Lacey Stein <llnstein at ccdconline.net<mailto:llnstein at ccdconline.net>>, Marlene Murillo <mmurillo at ccdconline.org<mailto:mmurillo at ccdconline.org>>, Molly McKinley <molly at bicyclecolorado.org<mailto:molly at bicyclecolorado.org>>, Paolo Solorzano <Paolo.C.Solorzano at gmail.com<mailto:Paolo.C.Solorzano at gmail.com>>, Tom Quinlan <qpmt123 at yahoo.com<mailto:qpmt123 at yahoo.com>>, Rachel Zenzinger <senatorrachelz at gmail.com<mailto:senatorrachelz at gmail.com>>, Jessica Vargas <jessica at denverstreetspartnership.org<mailto:jessica at denverstreetspartnership.org>>, Zamy Silva <Zamy.Silva at rtd-denver.com<mailto:Zamy.Silva at rtd-denver.com>>
Reply-To: jlewis at ccdconline.org<mailto:jlewis at ccdconline.org>

[cid:350aba2a-7c9e-45e6-a8b7-7bd818909670 at namprd14.prod.outlook.com]

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