[Colorado-Talk] FW: Summer Institute on Deaf-Blindness and Significant Support Needs
doula.jarboe at gmail.com
doula.jarboe at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 00:06:11 UTC 2022
Hi Everyone,
I thought teachers and educaters on this list might be interested in this. Especially for our PSI folks.
From: Katie Cue <katie.cue at state.co.us>
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 12:28 PM
To: celstad at theindependencecenter.org; deafblind.wellness at gmail.com; Doula Jarboe <doula.jarboe at gmail.com>; Gregory Hammond <gregoryshammond at gmail.com>; Jonathan.pringle at hknc.org; nvineyard212 at gmail.com; Alice George <ageorge8221 at gmail.com>; Anthony, Tanni <anthony_t at cde.state.co.us>; caninesandcanes <caninesandcanes at gmail.com>; CAROLYN HAAS <carolynhaas at me.com>; Christy Blakely <christy at familyvoicesco.org>; Clark, Keith <Keith.Clark122 at t-mobile.com>; Eleanor Coley-Brody <eleanor.coley-brody at hknc.org>; Herrera, Gina <Herrera_G at cde.state.co.us>; JoAnne Hirsch - CDHS <joanne.hirsch at state.co.us>; Kiera <kierazink at gmail.com>; Megan Bowser <mstone316 at gmail.com>; Michelle Hoagland <michelle at hoaglandterpssp.com>; Renee Klotzbach <dennyklotz at gmail.com>; Roberto Cabrera <deafroberto at gmail.com>; Ryan Hawkins - CDHS <ryan.hawkins at state.co.us>; Tassie Holt <tassiecholt at gmail.com>; Cliff Moers - CDHS <cliff.moers at state.co.us>
Subject: Summer Institute on Deaf-Blindness and Significant Support Needs
Passing along this opportunity from the Colorado Department of Education for distribution among your network. See attached flyer or below email for more information.
It is designed for Colorado residents/professionals to bring content back to their districts for paraprofessional training.
* Registration: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/315ab3eb9eb44143bd42dfaccdb1b3ba
* Content Questions: Tanni Anthony (anthony_t at cde.state.co.us <mailto:anthony_t at cde.state.co.us> )
* Registration Questions: Roberta Curtis (curtis_r at cde.state.co.us <mailto:curtis_r at cde.state.co.us> )
* Dates: June 13-14th; 8:30AM - 4:30PM.
* Location: In person at Adams 12 Conference Center (1500 E 128th Ave, Thornton, CO 80241)
* Cost: Free of charge with credit available
Additional Information:
* Maurice Belote, a professional with 41 years of experience in the field of deaf-blindness is the featured speaker
* NOT designed for paraprofessionals
* Registration priority given to those working with Colorado children and youth with deaf-blindness
* Limited funds available for travel support with priority given to those traveling from the farthest distances and those who work as Service Providers for deaf-blind children
* Registration will close when the training is capped and/or by May 31st, whichever occurs first
Content Information:
Day one: Communication fundamentals and a few extra tidbits for good measure
Communication is at the core of everything we do with children and youth who are
deafblind. Supporting students who are deaf-blind to become proficient communicators
can challenge family members and even the most skilled and experienced educators. But
there is rarely anything as thrilling as watching a child successfully communicate for the
first time, whether it is to name an object or action or whether it is to express an emotion
or describe an abstract concept. Day one of a two-day training will include a focus on the
features of communication that are unique to children who are deaf-blind and/or who
have significant support needs and offer evidence-based strategies that address the needs
of emerging communicators. The session will also cover the use of authentic assessment
data to drive decision making, how to manage large transdisciplinary teams, the impact of
stress and anxiety on communication, and will debunk the myth that it is ever too late to
become a competent communicator.
Day Two: Teaching Social skills, facilitating friendships, and preparing students to have wonderful, self-determined lives.
There may never have been a more important time to focus on social skills, friendships, and
self-esteem. Children and young adults are growing up in what public health experts are
calling the loneliest generation in recorded history. What can families and educators do to
ensure that these students have the skills they need to live rich, self-determined lives that
include meaningful engagement and lasting friendships? This session will include strategies
that can be implemented right away to address these critical issues, including strategies for
facilitating and maintaining natural peer relationships, and the development of
communication systems that support making and keeping friends. The session will also cover
independence and interdependence and how they are influenced by familial cultural factors,
the ways in which social relationships change throughout children’s lives, and the importance
of maintaining a presence on social media in the 21st century.
Katie Cue, Ed.D.
Outreach and Consultative Services Manager - Deaf Specialist
Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind
Pronouns: she, her, hers
P: 720.235.0062 | F: 303.866.4831
1575 Sherman St., Garden Level, Denver, CO 80203
katie.cue at state.co.us <mailto:katie.cue at state.co.us> | ccdhhdb.com <http://www.ccdhhdb.com/> | facebook.com/ccdhhdb <http://facebook.com/ccdhhdb>
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